[Ironpython-users] IronPython, Daily Digest 2/19/2012

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Mon Feb 20 16:30:48 CET 2012

Hi ironpython,

Here's your Daily Digest of new issues for project "IronPython".

In today's digest:ISSUES

1. [New comment] Pyc generates a *.dll regardless of "/target:..." usage
2. [New comment] Add Option To Pyc To Modify Stub EXE to load DLL from EXEs Path
3. [Status update] Pyc bug: parameter /target will be ignored if it appears before /main
4. [New comment] Pyc bug: parameter /target will be ignored if it appears before /main
5. [Status update] Pyc bug: parameter /target will be ignored if it appears before /main
6. [New comment] Pyc bug: parameter /target will be ignored if it appears before /main
7. [Status update] pyc fails if a file contains a call to unicode
8. [New comment] Pyc.py and FolderBrowserDialog
9. [Status update] pyc.py Compile of Dictionary with tuple values generates error "CompileToMethod cannot compile constant"
10. [New comment] ipy.exe / pyc.py fails to create working WPF .exe on Windows Server 2008-64, .NET 4.0
11. [New issue] reinterpret cast of UInt32 to Int32 does not work properly
12. [New issue] reinterpret cast of UInt32 to Int32 does not work properly
13. [Status update] reinterpret cast of UInt32 to Int32 does not work properly
14. [Status update] Trivial: IronPython.Hosting.ResourceFile appears to be dead code
15. [New comment] IRONPYTHONPATH not respected for pyc.py compiled assemblies
16. [New comment] implement clr.GetString and clr.GetBytes as helper to convert strings to and from bytes
17. [Status update] Improve debugging experience
18. [New comment] _winreg doesn't support key names which are 256 chars long
19. [New comment] Need a way to have a base class in an extension which is not exposed to Python
20. [New comment] sys.args[0] dissapears in ipy-script compiled with pyc.py
21. [New comment] sys.args[0] dissapears in ipy-script compiled with pyc.py
22. [New comment] sys.args[0] dissapears in ipy-script compiled with pyc.py
23. [New comment] compile('#foo\n', '<stdin>', 'single') throws null ref exception
24. [New comment] Some path ops are not done through PlatformAdaptationLayer in IronPython.Runtime.Importer
25. [Status update] Desktop IronPython debugging failure - Error: Reading old stack frames, should match 3



1. [New comment] Pyc generates a *.dll regardless of "/target:..." usage
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Fixed in 88d48b9"-----------------

2. [New comment] Add Option To Pyc To Modify Stub EXE to load DLL from EXEs Path
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Fixed in 83d4d1f"-----------------

3. [Status update] Pyc bug: parameter /target will be ignored if it appears before /main
User slide_o_mix has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Active to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 88d48b9"-----------------

4. [New comment] Pyc bug: parameter /target will be ignored if it appears before /main
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Fixed in 88d48b9

** Closed by slide_o_mix 2/19/2012 3:48 AM"-----------------

5. [Status update] Pyc bug: parameter /target will be ignored if it appears before /main
User slide_o_mix has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Closed to Proposed with the following comment, 

"Forgot to move to fixed instead of closing..."-----------------

6. [New comment] Pyc bug: parameter /target will be ignored if it appears before /main
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Fixed in 88d48b9"-----------------

7. [Status update] pyc fails if a file contains a call to unicode
User slide_o_mix has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Active to Closed with the following comment, 

"Works in 2.7.1"-----------------

8. [New comment] Pyc.py and FolderBrowserDialog
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Can you please add a test case? I am wondering if this has to do with STAThread attribute on the main of the stub exe."-----------------

9. [Status update] pyc.py Compile of Dictionary with tuple values generates error "CompileToMethod cannot compile constant"
User slide_o_mix has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Proposed to Closed with the following comment, 

"This works in 2.7.1"-----------------

10. [New comment] ipy.exe / pyc.py fails to create working WPF .exe on Windows Server 2008-64, .NET 4.0
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Have you tried on 2.7.1?"-----------------

11. [New issue] reinterpret cast of UInt32 to Int32 does not work properly
User lastonogoe has proposed the issue:

"If you need to reinterpret typed unsigned integer value as signed one, the following code is supposed to use:

a = UInt16.MaxValue #65535, 0xFFFF
b = Int16(a)              #      -1, 0xFFFF
print b, type(b)

The code works fine for pairs of UInt64/Int64 and UInt16/Int16. But in case of UInt32/Int32 it produces unexpected result. It seems that "Int32(value)" statement behaves similar to built-in int() function. More precisely, when the passed argument is bigger then max signed integer the result will be of type "long" and its value will be outside the integer range."-----------------

12. [New issue] reinterpret cast of UInt32 to Int32 does not work properly
User lastonogoe has proposed the issue:

"If you need to reinterpret typed unsigned integer value as signed one, the following code is supposed to use:

a = UInt16.MaxValue #65535, 0xFFFF
b = Int16(a)              #      -1, 0xFFFF
print b, type(b)

The code works fine for pairs of UInt64/Int64 and UInt16/Int16. But in case of UInt32/Int32 it produces unexpected result. It seems that "Int32(value)" statement behaves similar to built-in int() function. More precisely, when the passed argument is bigger then max signed integer the result will be of type "long" and its value will be outside the integer range."-----------------

13. [Status update] reinterpret cast of UInt32 to Int32 does not work properly
User slide_o_mix has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Proposed to Closed with the following comment, 

"Duplicate of http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/32285"-----------------

14. [Status update] Trivial: IronPython.Hosting.ResourceFile appears to be dead code
User slide_o_mix has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Active to Closed with the following comment, 

"File does not exist anymore."-----------------

15. [New comment] IRONPYTHONPATH not respected for pyc.py compiled assemblies
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"What other environment variables would be useful?"-----------------

16. [New comment] implement clr.GetString and clr.GetBytes as helper to convert strings to and from bytes
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"StringOps.FromByteArray no longer exists?"-----------------

17. [Status update] Improve debugging experience
User slide_o_mix has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Active to Closed with the following comment, 

"IronPython Tools deprecated in favor of Python Tools for Visual Studio"-----------------

18. [New comment] _winreg doesn't support key names which are 256 chars long
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Please provide a test case if possible."-----------------

19. [New comment] Need a way to have a base class in an extension which is not exposed to Python
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Does the PythonHiddenBaseClass not work?

public class Wrapper : IDisposable {


/// <summary>
    /// Marks a class as being hidden from the Python hierarchy.  This is applied to the base class
    /// and then all derived types will not see the base class in their hierarchy and will not be
    /// able to access members declaredo on the base class.
    /// </summary>
    public sealed class PythonHiddenBaseClassAttribute : Attribute {

20. [New comment] sys.args[0] dissapears in ipy-script compiled with pyc.py
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"It looks like the first argument is explicitly removed in the method called by the stub executable:


Dictionary<string, object> options = new Dictionary<string, object>();
options["Arguments"] = ArrayUtils.RemoveFirst(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()); // remove the EXE

I'm not sure why this is the case."-----------------

21. [New comment] sys.args[0] dissapears in ipy-script compiled with pyc.py
User peterSchwalm has commented on the issue:

"I figured that out too.
Perhaps I would suggest, to remove the "RemoveFirst", but I could not figure out if this code is also run if the code is not compiled (with pyc.py). I suppose it is, because if the script is run with ipy.exe the "ipy.exe" is the first command line argument and it makes sense to remove it, so that the script name becomes the first entry in sys.argv.

A "good" version should probably something like this:

if  (runningInCompiledEnvironment ...)
    options["Arguments"] = ArrayUtils.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); 
    options["Arguments"] = ArrayUtils.RemoveFirst(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()); // remove the EXE

But I do not have an idea how "runningInCompiledEnvironment" could be implemented in this startup environment.


22. [New comment] sys.args[0] dissapears in ipy-script compiled with pyc.py
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"I'm fairly sure that InitializeModule (this override anyway) is not called by anything but the pyc generated stub executable, but I will make sure."-----------------

23. [New comment] compile('#foo\n', '<stdin>', 'single') throws null ref exception
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"NRE comes from here:

internal static FunctionCode FromSourceUnit(SourceUnit sourceUnit, PythonCompilerOptions options, bool register) {
            var code = PythonContext.CompilePythonCode(sourceUnit, options, ThrowingErrorSink.Default);

            return ((RunnableScriptCode)code).GetFunctionCode(register);

code is null for this statement after parsing because its an empty statement."-----------------

24. [New comment] Some path ops are not done through PlatformAdaptationLayer in IronPython.Runtime.Importer
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"This looks to be fixed."-----------------

25. [Status update] Desktop IronPython debugging failure - Error: Reading old stack frames, should match 3
User slide_o_mix has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Active to Closed with the following comment, 

"SNAP failure."

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