[Ironpython-users] IronPython, Daily Digest 3/7/2012

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Thu Mar 8 15:48:43 CET 2012

Hi ironpython,

Here's your Daily Digest of new issues for project "IronPython".

In today's digest:ISSUES

1. [New comment] Include RST docs in source control, ship HTML docs
2. [New comment] Support providing .NET configuration file for launching ipy.exe's app domain (was Error loading mixed mode DLL)
3. [New comment] Request: change default to "server gc" for multithread performance
4. [Status update] Creating a low-permission version of PythonEngine fails post 2.0.0
5. [New comment] ImportError: No module named setuptools.command.easy_install
6. [New comment] zipimport does not correctly import submodules
7. [New comment] zlib fails to compress an empty string
8. [New comment] zlib fails to compress an empty string
9. [New issue] ModuleFinder not finding imports
10. [New comment] ModuleFinder not finding imports
11. [New comment] ModuleFinder not finding imports
12. [New issue] Patch for pyc.py
13. [New comment] Patch for pyc.py
14. [New comment] Patch for pyc.py
15. [New comment] Patch for pyc.py
16. [New comment] Patch for pyc.py
17. [New issue] Arithmetic expression mixing int and float literals is not working in Windows Phone
18. [New comment] Arithmetic expression mixing int and float literals is not working in Windows Phone



1. [New comment] Include RST docs in source control, ship HTML docs
User jdhardy has commented on the issue:

"I think so. The whole documentation system needs to be overhauled, so leave this one open."-----------------

2. [New comment] Support providing .NET configuration file for launching ipy.exe's app domain (was Error loading mixed mode DLL)
User jdhardy has commented on the issue:

"Looks like #31383 was a dup for this one, but it got fixed instead. Either way, this is fixed in 2.7.2."-----------------

3. [New comment] Request: change default to "server gc" for multithread performance
User jdhardy has commented on the issue:

"I wonder if this is still the case on .NET 4. Either way, I assume MS has their reasons for the defaults, and users can just change it themselves.

It could perhaps be an install-time option, but that's as far as I would go."-----------------

4. [Status update] Creating a low-permission version of PythonEngine fails post 2.0.0
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Active to Closed with the following comment, 

"Duplicate of [workitem:24101]."-----------------

5. [New comment] ImportError: No module named setuptools.command.easy_install
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Fixed in f975d2f"-----------------

6. [New comment] zipimport does not correctly import submodules
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Fixed in f975d2f"-----------------

7. [New comment] zlib fails to compress an empty string
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"This looks like something weird going on inside the zlib library being used. The normal zlib doesn't fail (I am trying to replicate this scenario with normal zlib to look for implementation differences.)"-----------------

8. [New comment] zlib fails to compress an empty string
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"This looks to be because the zlib.net implementation is returning Z_DATA_ERROR instead of Z_BUF_ERROR in a couple locations. I've only found two so far, there could be more."-----------------

9. [New issue] ModuleFinder not finding imports
User ned14 has proposed the issue:

"I have a simple script which imports a few bits and pieces as it's a unit test. I then have another python script load that script using ModuleFinder, determine its imports and feed the entire lot to ipy64.exe pyc.py to build a standalone binary.

This works fine in CPython, but IronPython sees only the module specified to ModuleFinder().run_script(). Is this expected?

For now I can work around the problem by telling CPython to use the customised runtime libraries supplied with IronPython for package resolution, and CPython's ModuleFinder() appears to return the right stuff.

Indeed then the only problem remaining is that the standalone executable doesn't bundle _codecs by the looks of things, which causes:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "G:\BEurtle\BEXML\tests\TestParseBErepoWithLib.py", line 32, in test
  File "libBEXML\issue", line 149, in __getattr__
  File "libBEXML\parsers\be_dir", line 113, in load
  File "codecs", line 884, in open
LookupError: unknown encoding: UTF-8

I'm not sure if that's my bug or your bug yet, so if I can't fix it I'll report that separately.


10. [New comment] ModuleFinder not finding imports
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Please attach a test to reproduce the issue."-----------------

11. [New comment] ModuleFinder not finding imports
User ned14 has commented on the issue:

"Feed any small python program into the attached script. It will iterate the imports and assemble them into a standalone EXE.

Run it under CPython and it prints all the imports, as expected.

Run it under IronPython and you get main.py, and nothing else.

12. [New issue] Patch for pyc.py
User ned14 has proposed the issue:

"Here's a patch for pyc.py adding a /files: parameter:

--- G:\Program Files\IronPython 2.7.2 RC1\Tools\Scripts\pyc.py	2012-03-07 18:58:45.000000000 -0000
+++ G:\BEurtle\BEXML\ironpython\pyc.py	2012-03-07 21:16:01.000000000 -0000
@@ -20,12 +20,13 @@
     /out:output_file                          Output file name (default is main_file.<extenstion>)
     /target:dll                               Compile only into dll.  Default
     /target:exe                               Generate console executable stub for startup in addition to dll.
     /target:winexe                            Generate windows executable stub for startup in addition to dll.
+    /files:input_file                         Read to read files from, one per line.
     /? /h                                     This message
 EXE/WinEXE specific options:
     /main:main_file.py                        Main file of the project (module to be executed first)
     /platform:x86                             Compile for x86 only
     /platform:x64                             Compile for x64 only
@@ -209,12 +210,16 @@
         elif arg.startswith("/embed"):
             embed = True
         elif arg.startswith("/standalone"):
             standalone = True
+        elif arg.startswith("/files:"):
+            with open(arg[7:], 'r') as ih:
+                files+=[x[:-1] for x in ih.readlines()]
         elif arg in ["/?", "-?", "/h", "-h"]:
             print __doc__

You may also find the answer I posted to Stackoverflow at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1578010/ironpython-2-6-py-exe/9609120#9609120 of interest.


13. [New comment] Patch for pyc.py
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Generally speaking, its better to fork the git repo to your own, make the mod, push and then issue a pull request.  This patch will not apply to master."-----------------

14. [New comment] Patch for pyc.py
User ned14 has commented on the issue:

"Even for such a tiny patch? Seems overkill."-----------------

15. [New comment] Patch for pyc.py
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"We're much less likely to get to it in this format. Especially since its now manual work because it doesn't match the master branch much at all."-----------------

16. [New comment] Patch for pyc.py
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:

"Fyi, I'm not saying I won't apply it, just giving the recommended approach and the easier one for me :-)"-----------------

17. [New issue] Arithmetic expression mixing int and float literals is not working in Windows Phone
User cmello has proposed the issue:

"The expression 2 + 2 is successfully evaluated, but 2 + 2.5 crashes the app.

The expression 2.5 + 2.5 is evaluated successfully.

Please see the attached sample."-----------------

18. [New comment] Arithmetic expression mixing int and float literals is not working in Windows Phone
User cmello has commented on the issue:

"The exception thrown is ArgumentNullException. Stack trace:

   at Microsoft.Scripting.Utils.ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(Object value, String paramName)
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Utils.CollectionUtils.FindIndex[T](IList`1 collection, Predicate`1 predicate)
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Utils.ExceptionUtils.SetData(Exception e, Object key, Object value)
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.InterpretedFrame.SaveTraceToException(Exception exception)
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.HandleException(InterpretedFrame frame, Exception exception)
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.LightLambda.Run1[T0,TRet](FunctionCode arg0)
   at IronPython.Compiler.RuntimeScriptCode.InvokeTarget(Scope scope)
   at IronPython.Compiler.RuntimeScriptCode.Run()
   at Microsoft.Scripting.SourceUnit.Execute()
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.ScriptSource.Execute()
   at Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.ScriptEngine.Execute(String expression)
   at PhoneFloatDivision.App.Application_Startup(Object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
   at MS.Internal.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler(Int32 typeIndex, Delegate handlerDelegate, Object sender, Object args)
   at MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(IntPtr unmanagedObj, IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, Int32 argsTypeIndex, Int32 actualArgsTypeIndex, String eventName)

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