[Ironpython-users] Website Updates

Jeff Hardy jdhardy at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 20:26:19 CET 2013

On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Steve Dower <Steve.Dower at microsoft.com> wrote:
> I’m not entirely sure who’s responsible for updating the website right now,
> but we’d like to get http://www.ironpython.net/tools/ updated (mostly to
> avoid having to update it every time we release).
> That page deep links into one of our pre-1.0 releases and a documentation
> page (”Walkthrough”)that is probably going to be retired. Linking directly
> to http://pytools.codeplex.com/ and
> http://pytools.codeplex.com/documentation would be better.
> And feel free to steal any of the screenshots we have up (or I can make an
> IronPython-specific one for you) though I do quite like the one that’s
> already there.

I can take care of it, but probably not for a couple of days. The
website deployment process is pretty messy.

- Jeff

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