[Ironpython-users] IronPython, Daily Digest 11/16/2013

CodePlex no_reply at codeplex.com
Sun Nov 17 09:20:08 CET 2013

Hi ironpython,

Here's your Daily Digest of new issues for project "IronPython".

In today's digest:ISSUES

1. [New issue] Mono 3.2.
2. [New issue] Mono 3.2.X build errors? Is Mono still supported?



1. [New issue] Mono 3.2.
User Sushihangover has proposed the issue:


2. [New issue] Mono 3.2.X build errors? Is Mono still supported?
User Sushihangover has proposed the issue:

"I am trying to building IronPython (Release or Debug targets) using the build inst located at:


Looks really simple as build appears to be supported, but the first issue is an CS1691 regarding warning error 444:
/Users/administrator/Documents/Code/GitRepos/ironlangs/Solutions/IronPython.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/Users/administrator/Documents/Code/GitRepos/ironlangs/Runtime/Microsoft.Scripting/Microsoft.Scripting.csproj (default targets) ->
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/3.2.4/lib/mono/4.0/Microsoft.CSharp.targets (CoreCompile target) ->
    : error CS1691: Warning as Error: `444' is not a valid warning number

If you modify the Common.proj and remove the 444:

You get a long series of CS0234s :
Runtime/DynamicOperations.Generated.cs(24,27): error CS0234: The type or namespace name `Ast' does not exist in the namespace `Microsoft.Scripting'. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Runtime/ObjectDictionaryExpando.cs(26,14): error CS0234: The type or namespace name `Dynamic' does not exist in the namespace `System'. Are you missing an assembly reference?

Trying to correct those and you progress in more errors. 

So before I invest more cycles, is Mono/XBuild/MonoDevelop/Xamain even support in the current master branch?

Thanks in advance for any help…"

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