[Ironpython-users] Ironpython, installing third party packages

Germano Carella germanocarella.list at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 17:51:00 CEST 2014


I downloade and installed ironpython 2.7.4 on a windows 7 64 bit, visual
studio 2013 environment.

I installed python tools 2.0 for visual studio 2013.

I can't install anything from third party.

With python 2.7 I was using pip or easy_install.


Now, I searched on google and I tried to do something:

1)      I tried distribute_setup.py, but I received message: object has no
attribute _getframe. 

2)      I tried to set -X:Frames and -X:FullFrames, but nothing changes.

3)      From visual studio I tried to add a new package, installing pip or
easy_install, but it didn't work.


Ok, How can I do?

There is a way?




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