[Ironpython-users] IronPython, Daily Digest 12/6/2014

CodePlex no_reply at codeplex.com
Sun Dec 7 09:23:26 CET 2014

Hi ironpython,

Here's your Daily Digest of new issues for project "IronPython".

In today's digest:ISSUES

1. [Status update] unicode throws when creating a Unicode string from an invalid Unicode string
2. [Status update] Document: IronPython does not run PYTHONSTARTUP
3. [Status update] Trivial: Light Grey Text in ipy when running on Linux or Solaris
4. [Status update] Support all encodings CPython does for _codecs.encode and _codecs.decode
5. [Status update] Trivial: SyntaxError for invalid indentation gives different line number
6. [Status update] Silverlight: modules should only be imported if import syntax matches case of filesystem
7. [Status update] implement clr.GetString and clr.GetBytes as helper to convert strings to and from bytes
8. [Status update] IronPython thread module does not allow small stack sizes
9. [Status update] help(System.String) doesn't include XML doc comments when running in 64-bit
10. [Status update] help(System) on 64-bit results in a SystemError while initializing DynamicType
11. [Status update] Ctrl-Z dosn't work right after KeyboardInterrupt
12. [Status update] str() or unicode() setting up unicode string, exception occurs.
13. [Status update] Passing globals/locals with eval()
14. [Status update] Source code encoding is not working correctly
15. [Status update] cStringIO.StringIO(u"...").tell() broken with unicode strings
16. [Status update] help broken for Vista x64
17. [Status update] Cleanup "Windows Form Tutorial"; making it more Pythonic
18. [Status update] Still doesn't recognise *valid* PEP0263 codings in source files
19. [Status update] str subclasses not always treated as strings
20. [Status update] Create a FULLY StandAlone ".exe" binary?
21. [Status update] Remove obsolete APIs after IronPython 2.6 ships
22. [Status update] Incompat: Cannot use re module on bytearray objects
23. [Status update] Implement _bisect module
24. [Status update] Implement mmap module
25. [Status update] Implement bz2 module
26. [Status update] STRESS: test_cominterop.py fails under the gcstress test mode
27. [Status update] socket.IPPROTO_GGP and socket.IPPROTO_PUP were removed in CPy 2.6
28. [Status update] PYC - Allow the Setting of the Icon if generating EXE
29. [Status update] Create wiki for 3rd party apps compat list
30. [Status update] str(System.Char(...)) broken
31. [Status update] nt.system(some garbage command) should return a non-zero exit code; not throw a WindowsError
32. [Status update] ACCESSIBILITY:  at high resolutions the ipy icon looks like "IPV"
33. [Status update] COM objects unusable from ipy.exe on x64 platforms
34. [Status update] The exception message of SyntaxError is different between CPy and IPy
35. [Status update] NotImplementedError: buffer_info not implemented for the array module
36. [Status update] lseek() isn't implemented in module nt
37. [Status update] LookupError:unknown error handler name 'ignore' / 'unicode_internal' / 'idna'
38. [Status update] Trivial: isdigit() return "False" in IronPython with unicode object from u'\u2460' to u'\u2468'
39. [Status update] AttributeError: 'struct_time' object has no attribute 'n_fields'
40. [Status update] ScriptScope.GetVariable<int> throws when the actual type is a double
41. [Status update] _ssl.RAND_add(x, y) should throw TypeError when x=None
42. [Status update] Need to investigate various doctest failures
43. [Status update] Exception().__doc__ different from CPython
44. [Status update] __getattr__ not called upon module import
45. [Status update] Allow application/zip mime-type for ZIP file script-tags
46. [Status update] Wrong implementation of ModuleType.__new__
47. [Status update] Pyc.py and FolderBrowserDialog
48. [Status update] sys.float_info field values are inconsistent with those of CPython
49. [Status update] Hashing objects can not be created from bytearrays with 2.7
50. [Status update] StackOverflowException when subclassing dict.add and dict.__setitem__
51. [Status update] Error message for indexing into unsubscriptable objects changed with 2.7
52. [Status update] "None=..." error message has changed
53. [Status update] Reporlab and IronPython
54. [Status update] ipy.exe crashes when launched from a subst UNC path
55. [Status update] Visual Studio 2010 crashes when Iron Python 2.7A1 is installed and you try to attach process (normal C# desktop program)
56. [Status update] Compatibility: IronPython does not allow space before coding declaration
57. [Status update] 'x'.replace(u'\uFFFE','') -> ValueError
58. [New comment] os.path.abspath('*') -> ValueError
59. [Status update] time.strptime works when it shouldn't
60. [Status update] sys.args[0] dissapears in ipy-script compiled with pyc.py
61. [Status update] version() shows only version number when running pyc-compiled .exe
62. [Status update] [2.7 Beta 2] deepcopy(time(9, 0)) != time(9, 0)
63. [Status update] Examples presented on http://ironpython.net/ironpython/browser/docs.html do not work
64. [Status update] compile('#foo\n', '<stdin>', 'single') throws null ref exception
65. [Status update] NullReference bug report
66. [Status update] sys.version is incomplete in user created engine, creating problems in platform.py
67. [Status update] I can't import PIL module
68. [Status update] zlib fails to compress an empty string
69. [Status update] strftime does not format %f correctly
70. [Status update] zipimport adding an extra newline to the end of every line of imported source on windows
71. [Status update] Patch for pyc.py
72. [Status update] ast module is broken - TypeError: object.__new__() takes no parameters
73. [Status update] pyc should generate try/catch around module call
74. [Status update] ast.py fails on Lib/subprocess.py
75. [Status update] "load language" problem
76. [Status update] compile does not accept AST object
77. [Status update] Duplicate key in dict
78. [Status update] IronPython engine fails to load under Silverlight (MethodAccessException)
79. [Status update] Occasional build error for Silverlight targets
80. [Status update] signal module does not work on non-Windows machines
81. [Status update] Add AssemblyFoldersEx paths for other platforms
82. [Status update] PEP 421 -- Adding sys.implementation
83. [Status update] IronPython coding obeys PEP0263, inconsistent with Emacs
84. [Status update] SQLite: InterfaceError: Unable to bind parameter 1 - unsupported type
85. [Status update] Installation of IronPython on Windows XP over VMware Fusion
86. [Status update] "TypeError: find_module() takes exactly 2 arguments" during debug a script load customize DLLs
87. [Status update] different prints for u'\xa0' against python2.7.3
88. [Status update] Make PythonHiddenAttribute public
89. [Status update] eval() function doesn't work as expected
90. [Status update] sys.stdout.isatty() always returns True
91. [Status update] Lower casing non-ASCII characters does not work
92. [Status update] introduce support for readline module (raw input)
93. [Status update] match cpython behaviour - types.ModuleType()
94. [Status update] locale.setlocale does not detect/set default user locale
95. [Status update] Sockets are not properly closed
96. [Status update] Discrepancy in dict __delitem__ vs CPython
97. [Status update] TypeError: instancemethod.__cmp__(x,y) requires y to be a 'instancemethod', not a ...
98. [Status update] super() does not preserve class
99. [Status update] struct.pack not threadsafe
100. [Status update] ast: elif is missing lineno and col_offset attributes
101. [Status update] PythonDictionary.Contains(KeyValuePair) doesn't check value
102. [Status update] sys.platform under Silverlight returns wrong value
103. [Status update] locale.strxfrm doesn't work
104. [Status update] ast.parse fails on semicolon
105. [Status update] 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause when it should be
106. [Status update] __getattr__  not able to override when class inherits from Moduletype
107. [Status update] ast.parse: TryExcept within TryFinally doesn't have the lineno attribute
108. [Status update] bytes.decode() encoding should default to sys.getdefaultencoding(), not None
109. [Status update] import hides modules
110. [Status update] unbound methods instead of bound methods in cloned class instances
111. [Status update] cannot import idna from encodings (Ipy 2.7.3)
112. [Status update] StringIO read and writes fail with "ValueError: write to closed file" exception
113. [Status update] Quoted IRONPYTHONPATH causes error with "import"
114. [Status update] misleading error message for bytes(unicode, encoding)
115. [Status update] Include some way to discover IronPython path
116. [Status update] datetime.strptime with %f error
117. [Status update] io.StringIO always closed
118. [Status update] {}.update(b=1) -> TypeError
119. [Status update] dict lookup of System.Int64 and long is not the same
120. [Status update] subprocess.Popen should accept os.environ as env argument
121. [Status update] top level exception handler of the interpreter prints wrong traceback
122. [Status update] Unhandled traceback does not end with newline
123. [Status update] ctypes.memmove doesn't tolerate 0 size
124. [Status update] os.stat should accept bytes as argument
125. [Status update] reading a file using codecs can fail
126. [Status update] from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool fails
127. [Status update] ast.parse raises SystemError on "yield"
128. [Status update] __doc__ should not be read-only in partial
129. [Status update] name of the second argument to int() should be 'base' not 'radix'
130. [Status update] .net4.5 enviroment not included in 2.7.4.msi installer
131. [Status update] How to improve the operation efficiency of List or Dictionary  than C#。
132. [Status update] add support for pymongo
133. [Status update] int type missing __eq__ method
134. [Status update] package gets confused as module during import
135. [Status update] IronPython.dll has wrong assembly version
136. [Status update] "argument of type 'type' is not iterable" exception reports type of the wrong argument
137. [Status update] regular expression extension accepts only single flag
138. [Status update] re.compile does not use cache
139. [Status update] random.Random(None) -> SystemError
140. [Status update] ensurepip support
141. [Status update] byte and string should be interchengable as arguments of string methods
142. [Status update] bytes "can only join an iterable of bytes"
143. [Status update] stack trace reported out of order by top level exception handler
144. [Status update] wrong line dumped out along with warning message
145. [Status update] unable to use certificate with quoted part in issuer
146. [Status update] certifacte is missing subjectAltName
147. [Status update] zlib - ValueError: Invalid initialization option
148. [Status update] built-in translate throws TypeError
149. [Status update] unexpected behaviour when IOError used as superclass
150. [Status update] __name__ not set to __main__
151. [Status update] ctype legacy support
152. [Status update] "{} in {}" returns False instead of raising TypeError
153. [Status update] compile() does not recognize CO_FUTURE_PRINT_FUNCTION
154. [Status update] support for running content of zip file
155. [Status update] Exceptions not being trapped by Debugger in VS 2013
156. [Status update] -X:Tracing argument problem?
157. [Status update] bytearray fails comparison with string value
158. [Status update] bytearray constructor should accept string
159. [Status update] b64encode(bz2.compress()) throws exception.
160. [Status update] socket.send, socket.sendto, socket.sendall should accept bytes as parameter
161. [Status update] b'a'.decode() throws TypeError
162. [Status update] ast.literal_eval in IronPython raises exception for negative numbers in expressions
163. [Status update] ipy-2.7-maint does't compile under windows
164. [Status update] socket.create_connection() causes exception "getaddrinfo returns an empty list"
165. [Status update] dict.copy() raises SystemError if None is used as a key
166. [Status update] IronPython 2.7.5 B3 does not work with Pyro 4
167. [Status update] ssl default to SSL v2
168. [Status update] ValueError: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
169. [New issue] ensurepip does not create pip.exe



1. [Status update] unicode throws when creating a Unicode string from an invalid Unicode string
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


2. [Status update] Document: IronPython does not run PYTHONSTARTUP
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


3. [Status update] Trivial: Light Grey Text in ipy when running on Linux or Solaris
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


4. [Status update] Support all encodings CPython does for _codecs.encode and _codecs.decode
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

5. [Status update] Trivial: SyntaxError for invalid indentation gives different line number
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


6. [Status update] Silverlight: modules should only be imported if import syntax matches case of filesystem
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


7. [Status update] implement clr.GetString and clr.GetBytes as helper to convert strings to and from bytes
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


8. [Status update] IronPython thread module does not allow small stack sizes
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


9. [Status update] help(System.String) doesn't include XML doc comments when running in 64-bit
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


10. [Status update] help(System) on 64-bit results in a SystemError while initializing DynamicType
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


11. [Status update] Ctrl-Z dosn't work right after KeyboardInterrupt
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


12. [Status update] str() or unicode() setting up unicode string, exception occurs.
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

13. [Status update] Passing globals/locals with eval()
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


14. [Status update] Source code encoding is not working correctly
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


15. [Status update] cStringIO.StringIO(u"...").tell() broken with unicode strings
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

16. [Status update] help broken for Vista x64
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


17. [Status update] Cleanup "Windows Form Tutorial"; making it more Pythonic
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


18. [Status update] Still doesn't recognise *valid* PEP0263 codings in source files
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


19. [Status update] str subclasses not always treated as strings
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


20. [Status update] Create a FULLY StandAlone ".exe" binary?
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


21. [Status update] Remove obsolete APIs after IronPython 2.6 ships
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


22. [Status update] Incompat: Cannot use re module on bytearray objects
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


23. [Status update] Implement _bisect module
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


24. [Status update] Implement mmap module
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


25. [Status update] Implement bz2 module
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


26. [Status update] STRESS: test_cominterop.py fails under the gcstress test mode
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


27. [Status update] socket.IPPROTO_GGP and socket.IPPROTO_PUP were removed in CPy 2.6
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


28. [Status update] PYC - Allow the Setting of the Icon if generating EXE
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


29. [Status update] Create wiki for 3rd party apps compat list
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


30. [Status update] str(System.Char(...)) broken
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


31. [Status update] nt.system(some garbage command) should return a non-zero exit code; not throw a WindowsError
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

32. [Status update] ACCESSIBILITY:  at high resolutions the ipy icon looks like "IPV"
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


33. [Status update] COM objects unusable from ipy.exe on x64 platforms
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


34. [Status update] The exception message of SyntaxError is different between CPy and IPy
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


35. [Status update] NotImplementedError: buffer_info not implemented for the array module
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


36. [Status update] lseek() isn't implemented in module nt
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


37. [Status update] LookupError:unknown error handler name 'ignore' / 'unicode_internal' / 'idna'
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

38. [Status update] Trivial: isdigit() return "False" in IronPython with unicode object from u'\u2460' to u'\u2468'
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


39. [Status update] AttributeError: 'struct_time' object has no attribute 'n_fields'
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


40. [Status update] ScriptScope.GetVariable<int> throws when the actual type is a double
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


41. [Status update] _ssl.RAND_add(x, y) should throw TypeError when x=None
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


42. [Status update] Need to investigate various doctest failures
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


43. [Status update] Exception().__doc__ different from CPython
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


44. [Status update] __getattr__ not called upon module import
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


45. [Status update] Allow application/zip mime-type for ZIP file script-tags
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


46. [Status update] Wrong implementation of ModuleType.__new__
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


47. [Status update] Pyc.py and FolderBrowserDialog
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


48. [Status update] sys.float_info field values are inconsistent with those of CPython
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


49. [Status update] Hashing objects can not be created from bytearrays with 2.7
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


50. [Status update] StackOverflowException when subclassing dict.add and dict.__setitem__
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


51. [Status update] Error message for indexing into unsubscriptable objects changed with 2.7
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


52. [Status update] "None=..." error message has changed
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


53. [Status update] Reporlab and IronPython
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


54. [Status update] ipy.exe crashes when launched from a subst UNC path
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


55. [Status update] Visual Studio 2010 crashes when Iron Python 2.7A1 is installed and you try to attach process (normal C# desktop program)
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


56. [Status update] Compatibility: IronPython does not allow space before coding declaration
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


57. [Status update] 'x'.replace(u'\uFFFE','') -> ValueError
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


58. [New comment] os.path.abspath('*') -> ValueError
User jdhardy has commented on the issue:

"<p>In general, os.abspath is too restrictive. IPython has a path like ""//////:::::ZZZZZ,,,~~~" that is uses as a sentinel and expects to pass through os.abspath unchanged.</p>"-----------------

59. [Status update] time.strptime works when it shouldn't
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

60. [Status update] sys.args[0] dissapears in ipy-script compiled with pyc.py
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


61. [Status update] version() shows only version number when running pyc-compiled .exe
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


62. [Status update] [2.7 Beta 2] deepcopy(time(9, 0)) != time(9, 0)
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


63. [Status update] Examples presented on http://ironpython.net/ironpython/browser/docs.html do not work
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


64. [Status update] compile('#foo\n', '<stdin>', 'single') throws null ref exception
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

65. [Status update] NullReference bug report
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


66. [Status update] sys.version is incomplete in user created engine, creating problems in platform.py
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


67. [Status update] I can't import PIL module
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


68. [Status update] zlib fails to compress an empty string
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


69. [Status update] strftime does not format %f correctly
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

70. [Status update] zipimport adding an extra newline to the end of every line of imported source on windows
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


71. [Status update] Patch for pyc.py
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


72. [Status update] ast module is broken - TypeError: object.__new__() takes no parameters
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


73. [Status update] pyc should generate try/catch around module call
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


74. [Status update] ast.py fails on Lib/subprocess.py
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


75. [Status update] "load language" problem
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


76. [Status update] compile does not accept AST object
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


77. [Status update] Duplicate key in dict
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


78. [Status update] IronPython engine fails to load under Silverlight (MethodAccessException)
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


79. [Status update] Occasional build error for Silverlight targets
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


80. [Status update] signal module does not work on non-Windows machines
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


81. [Status update] Add AssemblyFoldersEx paths for other platforms
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


82. [Status update] PEP 421 -- Adding sys.implementation
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


83. [Status update] IronPython coding obeys PEP0263, inconsistent with Emacs
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


84. [Status update] SQLite: InterfaceError: Unable to bind parameter 1 - unsupported type
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


85. [Status update] Installation of IronPython on Windows XP over VMware Fusion
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


86. [Status update] "TypeError: find_module() takes exactly 2 arguments" during debug a script load customize DLLs
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


87. [Status update] different prints for u'\xa0' against python2.7.3
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


88. [Status update] Make PythonHiddenAttribute public
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


89. [Status update] eval() function doesn't work as expected
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


90. [Status update] sys.stdout.isatty() always returns True
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


91. [Status update] Lower casing non-ASCII characters does not work
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


92. [Status update] introduce support for readline module (raw input)
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


93. [Status update] match cpython behaviour - types.ModuleType()
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


94. [Status update] locale.setlocale does not detect/set default user locale
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


95. [Status update] Sockets are not properly closed
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


96. [Status update] Discrepancy in dict __delitem__ vs CPython
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


97. [Status update] TypeError: instancemethod.__cmp__(x,y) requires y to be a 'instancemethod', not a ...
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


98. [Status update] super() does not preserve class
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


99. [Status update] struct.pack not threadsafe
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


100. [Status update] ast: elif is missing lineno and col_offset attributes
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


101. [Status update] PythonDictionary.Contains(KeyValuePair) doesn't check value
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


102. [Status update] sys.platform under Silverlight returns wrong value
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


103. [Status update] locale.strxfrm doesn't work
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


104. [Status update] ast.parse fails on semicolon
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


105. [Status update] 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause when it should be
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


106. [Status update] __getattr__  not able to override when class inherits from Moduletype
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


107. [Status update] ast.parse: TryExcept within TryFinally doesn't have the lineno attribute
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


108. [Status update] bytes.decode() encoding should default to sys.getdefaultencoding(), not None
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

109. [Status update] import hides modules
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

110. [Status update] unbound methods instead of bound methods in cloned class instances
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

111. [Status update] cannot import idna from encodings (Ipy 2.7.3)
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

112. [Status update] StringIO read and writes fail with "ValueError: write to closed file" exception
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

113. [Status update] Quoted IRONPYTHONPATH causes error with "import"
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

114. [Status update] misleading error message for bytes(unicode, encoding)
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

115. [Status update] Include some way to discover IronPython path
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


116. [Status update] datetime.strptime with %f error
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

117. [Status update] io.StringIO always closed
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

118. [Status update] {}.update(b=1) -> TypeError
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

119. [Status update] dict lookup of System.Int64 and long is not the same
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

120. [Status update] subprocess.Popen should accept os.environ as env argument
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

121. [Status update] top level exception handler of the interpreter prints wrong traceback
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

122. [Status update] Unhandled traceback does not end with newline
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

123. [Status update] ctypes.memmove doesn't tolerate 0 size
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

124. [Status update] os.stat should accept bytes as argument
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

125. [Status update] reading a file using codecs can fail
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

126. [Status update] from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool fails
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

127. [Status update] ast.parse raises SystemError on "yield"
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

128. [Status update] __doc__ should not be read-only in partial
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

129. [Status update] name of the second argument to int() should be 'base' not 'radix'
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

130. [Status update] .net4.5 enviroment not included in 2.7.4.msi installer
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

131. [Status update] How to improve the operation efficiency of List or Dictionary  than C#。
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


132. [Status update] add support for pymongo
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

133. [Status update] int type missing __eq__ method
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

134. [Status update] package gets confused as module during import
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

135. [Status update] IronPython.dll has wrong assembly version
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Active to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5"-----------------

136. [Status update] "argument of type 'type' is not iterable" exception reports type of the wrong argument
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

137. [Status update] regular expression extension accepts only single flag
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

138. [Status update] re.compile does not use cache
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

139. [Status update] random.Random(None) -> SystemError
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

140. [Status update] ensurepip support
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

141. [Status update] byte and string should be interchengable as arguments of string methods
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

142. [Status update] bytes "can only join an iterable of bytes"
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

143. [Status update] stack trace reported out of order by top level exception handler
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

144. [Status update] wrong line dumped out along with warning message
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

145. [Status update] unable to use certificate with quoted part in issuer
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

146. [Status update] certifacte is missing subjectAltName
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

147. [Status update] zlib - ValueError: Invalid initialization option
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

148. [Status update] built-in translate throws TypeError
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

149. [Status update] unexpected behaviour when IOError used as superclass
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

150. [Status update] __name__ not set to __main__
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

151. [Status update] ctype legacy support
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

152. [Status update] "{} in {}" returns False instead of raising TypeError
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

153. [Status update] compile() does not recognize CO_FUTURE_PRINT_FUNCTION
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

154. [Status update] support for running content of zip file
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


155. [Status update] Exceptions not being trapped by Debugger in VS 2013
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


156. [Status update] -X:Tracing argument problem?
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

157. [Status update] bytearray fails comparison with string value
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

158. [Status update] bytearray constructor should accept string
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

159. [Status update] b64encode(bz2.compress()) throws exception.
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

160. [Status update] socket.send, socket.sendto, socket.sendall should accept bytes as parameter
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

161. [Status update] b'a'.decode() throws TypeError
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

162. [Status update] ast.literal_eval in IronPython raises exception for negative numbers in expressions
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

163. [Status update] ipy-2.7-maint does't compile under windows
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

164. [Status update] socket.create_connection() causes exception "getaddrinfo returns an empty list"
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

165. [Status update] dict.copy() raises SystemError if None is used as a key
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


166. [Status update] IronPython 2.7.5 B3 does not work with Pyro 4
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

167. [Status update] ssl default to SSL v2
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed with the following comment, 

"Fixed in 2.7.5."-----------------

168. [Status update] ValueError: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
User jdhardy has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Resolved to Closed.


169. [New issue] ensurepip does not create pip.exe
User jdhardy has proposed the issue:

"It creates pip2.exe and pip2.7.exe in Scripts, but not pip.exe."

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