[Ironpython-users] multiprocessing?

Olof Bjarnason olof.bjarnason at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 13:39:18 CET 2014

Hi there, new to IronPython, but 5+ years user of CPython.

I've done some googling already, but cannot seem to find whether or not the
Python std lib module "multiprocessing" is intended to be used in
IronPython or not.

1. Is there a web page describing exactly what python standard modules are
available in the IronPython environment?
2. Is the intention of the IronPython maintainers to at support Python
Standard Library? It does seem like a bit of duplication between .NET
platform and PyStdLib, to say the least. But as a user of both worlds, I'd
like to pick-and-choose the best from each!


- Olof
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