[Ironpython-users] A question on the future of ironpython

Jeff Hardy jdhardy at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 16:13:08 CET 2014

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 9:47 AM,  <touficmc at gmail.com> wrote:
> 1- designing a GUI programmatically (talking here about winforms) is time consuming so why there is no graphical GUI designer like in a c# projects where you can drag and drop widgets on your winform? It should be an open source project and please not like wxglade!

The Visual Studio forms designer, in theory, supports multiple
languages ... as long as those languages are similar enough to C#/VB
to work with the CodeDOM extensibility model. Python is not such a
language. There was work on a CodeDOM provider once upon a time, but
it was never complete - the impedance mismatch is just too high.

Developing one outside of VS would be a huge undertaking with minimal
return compared to other work that needs to be done. I would rather
see an embeddable code editor (with debugging support), for example.
Or IronPython 3. :)

> 2- what does the future hold for ironpython? Will it continue to get support from Microsoft or it is over ? Will it be maintained in the future and by whom?

Microsoft support ended years ago, as Vernon mentioned. It's now run
as an open source project by a group of volunteers. Support is
provided on a best-effort basis. THe contributors tend to work on what
interests them or is in their way.

> Before investing more on ironpython getting answers on these two questions is important. I would really appreciate if someone more involved with ironpython can answer me.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask.

- Jeff

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