[Ironpython-users] IronPython, Daily Digest 11/3/2014

CodePlex no_reply at codeplex.com
Tue Nov 4 09:22:53 CET 2014

Hi ironpython,

Here's your Daily Digest of new issues for project "IronPython".

In today's digest:ISSUES

1. [New comment] NotImplementedError: buffer_info not implemented for the array module
2. [New comment] Should sys.getfilesystemencoding() return 'mbcs' now that this is a supported encoding?
3. [New comment] simplify use of .net enumeration



1. [New comment] NotImplementedError: buffer_info not implemented for the array module
User jdhardy has commented on the issue:

"<p>slide_o_mix: the method in question in .buffer_in*f*o, not .buffer_in*t*o. Re-opening in case this still needs to be fixed.</p>"-----------------

2. [New comment] Should sys.getfilesystemencoding() return 'mbcs' now that this is a supported encoding?
User jdhardy has commented on the issue:

"<p>CPython uses mbcs on Windows in both 2.7 and 3.3. However, I don't think it works properly on IronPython:</p><p>```<br>IronPython 2.7.5b3 ( on .NET 4.0.30319.34014 (32-bit)<br>Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.<br>>>> x = "euro(?), Latin-2 (L) or Latin-1 (ä)"<br>>>> x<br>u'euro(\u20ac), Latin-2 (\u0141) or Latin-1 (\xe4)'<br>>>> x.decode('mbcs')<br>Traceback (most recent call last):<br>  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module><br>  File "ironlanguages\External.LCA_RESTRICTED\Languages\IronPython\27\Lib\encodings\mbcs.py", line 21, in decode<br>UnicodeEncodeError: ('ascii', u'\u20ac', 5, 6, "'ascii' codec can't decode byte 20AC in position 5: ordinal not in range")<br>>>> with open(x, 'w') as f:<br>...     f.write(x)<br>...<br>Traceback (most recent call last):<br>  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module><br>UnicodeEncodeError: ('unknown', '\x00', 0, 1, "'ascii' codec can't encode character '\\u20AC' in position 5")<br>>>><br>```</p>"-----------------

3. [New comment] simplify use of .net enumeration
User jdhardy has commented on the issue:

"<p>Based on what's in the issue I can't really reproduce it:</p><p>```<br>>>> import clr<br>>>> from System import Enum<br>>>> from System.Net.Sockets import SocketOptionName<br>>>> x = SocketOptionName.MaxConnections<br>>>> int(x)<br>2147483647<br>>>> w = Enum.ToObject(SocketOptionName, 2147483647)<br>>>> x  == w<br>True<br>```</p><p>I had to force them to be different objects (to avoid a trivial `is` match), but it seems to work for me.</p>"

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