[Ironpython-users] IronPython, Daily Digest 2/20/2015

CodePlex no_reply at codeplex.com
Sat Feb 21 16:34:29 CET 2015

Hi ironpython,

Here's your Daily Digest of new issues for project "IronPython".

In today's digest:ISSUES

1. [New comment] Lower casing non-ASCII characters does not work
2. [New issue] Problem with API in IronPython



1. [New comment] Lower casing non-ASCII characters does not work
User paweljasinski has commented on the issue:

"<p>I believe it is fixed in 2.7.4</p><p>$ git tag --contains c02becc<br>ipy-2.7.4<br>ipy-2.7.4-a1<br>ipy-2.7.4-b1<br>ipy-2.7.4-b2<br>ipy-2.7.4-rc1<br>ipy-2.7.5<br>ipy-2.7.5-b1<br>ipy-2.7.5-b2<br>ipy-2.7.5-b3<br>ipy-2.7.5-rc1<br>ipy-2.7.5-rc2</p><p><br>--pawel</p>"-----------------

2. [New issue] Problem with API in IronPython
User Dado87 has proposed the issue:

"Hi everyone,

I have an issue with running of some code in IronPyrhon (actually in GHPython script Editor, which uses IronPython). I want to run some structural engineering software (Strand7) externaly with the help of API of this software. If I run it in Python IDLE it works well, but inside Iron I get some error. Please look at the attached .pdf file. Code is writen below.

Do somebody know what's wrong? Any sugestions? Thanks for the answears!

from St7API import *
import ctypes
import os
import sys

# Error checking function. Turns a non-zero integer returned by Strand API call into a Python exception
def ChkErr(ErrorCode):
    ErrorOccured = (ErrorCode != 0)
    if ErrorOccured:
        ErrorString = ctypes.create_string_buffer(kMaxStrLen)
        # Attempt to get API error string
        iErr = St7GetAPIErrorString(ErrorCode, ErrorString, kMaxStrLen)

        # If that failed, attempt to retrive a solver error string
        if iErr:
            iErr = St7GetSolverErrorString(ErrorCode, ErrorString, kMaxStrLen)

        if not iErr:
            raise Exception('%s (%d)' % (ErrorString.value, ErrorCode))
            raise Exception('An unknown error occured (%d)' % ErrorCode)

    return ErrorOccured

# Program

def CreatePoint(pCoord)


def RunPlateDemo(modPath, nIters = 1, showWindow = True, maxThickness = 2):
    # Wrap everything in a try/except/finally block so the API is unloaded even after an exception
        # Initialise

        # Open the file
        ChkErr(St7OpenFile(1, modPath, r'c:\Users\D.Kovacevic\AppData\Local\Temp'.encode()))

        # Show the model window if that was requested
        if showWindow:
            ChkErr(St7PositionModelWindow(1, 0, 0, 640, 480))

        # Set results file name to model name without extension
        resFileName = os.path.splitext(modPath)[0]
        ChkErr(St7SetResultFileName(1, resFileName))

        # Perform optimsation several times if requested
        for iIter in range(nIters):
            # Run Linear Static Solver
            ChkErr(St7RunSolver(1, stLinearStaticSolver, smBackgroundRun, 1))

            # Open results files
            nPrim, nSec = ctypes.c_int(), ctypes.c_int()
            ChkErr(St7OpenResultFile(1, resFileName + '.lsa'.encode(), ''.encode(), False, nPrim, nSec))
            # Get the number of plates and iterate over them, saving the VM stress
            nPlatesCtypes = ctypes.c_int()
            numPoints, numCols = ctypes.c_int(), ctypes.c_int()
            ChkErr(St7GetTotal(1, tyPLATE, nPlatesCtypes))

            # Build dictionary of PlateNum->VM Stress
            plateVM = {}
            plateResultArrayType = ctypes.c_double * kMaxPlateResult
            plateResArray = plateResultArrayType()

            print (plateResArray)

            for iPlate in range(1, nPlatesCtypes.value + 1):
                ChkErr(St7GetPlateResultArray(1, rtPlateStress, stPlateCombined, iPlate, 1, AtCentroid,
                                                  psPlateMidPlane, 0, numPoints, numCols, plateResArray))
                plateVM[iPlate] = plateResArray[ipPlateCombVonMises]

            # Close results file

            # Get the units
            unitsArrayType = ctypes.c_long * kLastUnit
            units = unitsArrayType()
            ChkErr(St7GetUnits(1, units))

            vmVals = plateVM.values()
            meanVM = sum(vmVals)/len(vmVals)
            print('[%d/%d] Min/Mean/Max VM Stress: %f/%f/%f %s'%(iIter+1, nIters, min(vmVals), meanVM, max(vmVals), unitStrings.get(units[ipSTRESSU], '??Units')))
            # Modify plate thicknesses
            plateAttributeType = ctypes.c_double * kMaxAttributeDoubles
            plateAttribs = plateAttributeType()
            for iPlate in range(1, nPlatesCtypes.value + 1):
                ChkErr(St7GetPlateThickness2(1, iPlate, plateAttribs))
                newThickness = min([plateAttribs[ipTHICKM] * plateVM[iPlate]/meanVM, maxThickness])
                plateAttribs[ipTHICKM] = newThickness
                plateAttribs[ipTHICKB] = newThickness
                ChkErr(St7SetPlateThickness2(1, iPlate, plateAttribs))                                                                                              

            if showWindow:
                ChkErr(St7UpdateElementPropertyData(1, ptPLATEPROP, 1))
                ChkErr(St7RedrawModel(1, True))

        # Save and close
        # These calls are made even if an exception was raised in the main block
        if showWindow:


path = "OptimisationModel.st7"
pathx = str(path)
pathy = pathx.encode()

RunPlateDemo(modPath = pathy, nIters = 2)

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