[Ironpython-users] Problem with the "in" operator for
Markus Schaber
m.schaber at codesys.com
Tue Jul 7 16:18:30 CEST 2015
As far as I can see, the "in" operator should return true if any object in the enumerable is "equal" to the object given as reference:
IronPython 2.7.5 ( on .NET 4.0.30319.34209 (32-bit)
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>>> t = (1,2)
>>> o = (t, 3, "4", 1024)
>>> 1024 in o
>>> "4" in o
>>> (1,2) in o
>>> t in o
>>> a = 2**100
>>> b = 2**100
>>> a in (b,)
>>> a is b
>>> import System
>>> g = System.Guid.NewGuid()
>>> h = System.Guid(g.ToString())
>>> g == h
>>> g is h
>>> g in (h,)
However, it looks like this is not working correctly with IDynamicMetaObjectProvider implementations.
I attached an example which is a stripped down case of some much more complex real world code[1]. In that case, the assertion in the last line fails although a equals b.
# a and b are provided by the host written in C#
assert a == b, 'a equals b'
assert not a is b, 'a is not b'
assert a in (a,), 'a is in (a,)'
assert a in (b,), 'a is in (b,)' # this one fails...
As far as I can see via breakpoints, the Equals methods of the objects are never actually called, except on the first assertion with the == operator.
[1] In the real world code, arbitrary plugins may provide extensions to extendable objects from other plugins, to dynamically (at run-time) add methods and properties to those instances.
Best regards
Markus Schaber
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