[Ironpython-users] Calling a method on the Interop COM object
slide.o.mix at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 12:28:41 EST 2016
Out parameters are returned from the method as part of a tuple (if there is
a return value already it will be in the tulle as the second item)
On Sat, Jan 30, 2016, 07:38 Djordje Spasic via Ironpython-users <
ironpython-users at python.org> wrote:
> Thank you Stéphane!!
> That solved the problem!
> Do you mind if I ask another question?
> Right now I am trying to call another method: FixUP
> <http://www.mapwindow.org/documentation/mapwingis4.8/class_shape.html#a25b160700f4c07dd86104c6675431ebf>
> .
> The problem with it, is that it requires a single "out" argument.
> Here is how I tried to call it:
> MapWinGIS.ShapeClass.FixUp(shape) # raises an error below
> But it raises this error message:
> *Message: expected ShapeClass, got __ComObject*
> The same happens if I call it like so:
> shape.FixUp()
> The *__ComObject *in this case is *shape* variable. Any object I get, has
> this kind of type.
> Is there a way to somehow cast the *shape* to *MapWinGIS.ShapeClass* type?
> I tried this:
> shapeCast = clr.Reference[MapWinGIS.ShapeClass](shape) # raises the same
> upper error on this line
> But the same upper message appears (*"expected ShapeClass, got
> __ComObject*")
> Any advice on how to supply the upper "out" argument to "FixUp" method?
> Or maybe how to cast the *shape* to *MapWinGIS.ShapeClass* type?
> Thank you.
> Djordje Spasic
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Stéphane Lozier <stephane.lozier at gmail.com>
> *To:* Djordje Spasic <issworld2000 at yahoo.com>
> *Cc:* "ironpython-users at python.org" <ironpython-users at python.org>
> *Sent:* Friday, January 29, 2016 9:02 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Ironpython-users] Cannot create instances of that class
> because it is abstract
> I can't say I really know what's going on, but you could try using unbound
> class instance methods (see
> http://ironpython.net/documentation/dotnet/dotnet.html#using-unbound-class-instance-methods
> ).
> For example:
> MapWinGIS.Shapefile.Open(sf, shpfilename, None)
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 11:55 AM, Djordje Spasic <issworld2000 at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> Thank you for the explanation Stéphane.
> When I use MapWinGIS.ShapefileClass() instead of MapWinGIS.Shapefile():
> import clr
> clr.AddReferenceToFileAndPath("C:/mapwindow_dlls/Interop.MapWinGIS.dll")
> import MapWinGIS
> sf = MapWinGIS.*ShapefileClass*()
> shpfilename = "C:/example.shp"
> sf.Open(shpfilename, None) # raises Error
> It raises an error:
> *Could not convert argument 0 for call to Open.*
> I googled a couple of times, and found one place where the same issue has
> emerged: here on stackoverflow
> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2296714/ironruby-cannot-call-method-on-a-com-object-with-one-or-more-arguments>
> .
> Stackoverflow issue is actually not related with ironpython, but with
> ironruby. The author states that the solution is to supply the CLR string
> as an argument to "Open" function, instead of regular ruby string. I tried
> that replicating that in ironpython:
> shpfilename = clr.Reference[System.String]("c:/example.shp")
> But again the upper error message, did not go away.
> Further googling found that this kind of issues may happen when trying to
> call methods in .NET from "*Interop COM objects*"
> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8529313/how-do-i-call-a-vb6-com-object-from-c-sharp-with-dynamic-when-it-has-a-ref-param>.
> But only if that method has "*ref parameters*". Which *Open* method does
> not. Here is the signature of the *Open* method:
> Help on method-descriptor Open Open(...)
> Open(self: ShapefileClass, ShapefileName: str, cBack: Callback) ->
> bool
> // MapWinGIS.ShapefileClass
> [DispId(11)]
> [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
> public virtual extern bool Open([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] [In]
> string ShapefileName, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] [In] ICallback
> cBack = null);
> I would be very grateful for any kind of advice Stéphane.
> Kind regards,
> Djordje Spasic
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Stéphane Lozier <stephane.lozier at gmail.com>
> *To:* Djordje Spasic <issworld2000 at yahoo.com>
> *Cc:* "ironpython-users at python.org" <ironpython-users at python.org>
> *Sent:* Friday, January 29, 2016 5:24 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Ironpython-users] Cannot create instances of that class
> because it is abstract
> Shapefile is an interface with a CoClassAttribute to ShapefileClass (which
> means when you do new Shapefile() in C# it creates an instance of
> ShapefileClass). I have no idea what the correct behaviour for IronPython
> should be, but in this case MapWinGIS.Shapefile gives you the interface.
> You could try MapWinGIS.ShapefileClass() instead of MapWinGIS.Shapefile().
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Djordje Spasic via Ironpython-users <
> ironpython-users at python.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to call a specific method ("Open") from the .NET assembly.
> The .NET assembly along with all other .dlls and necessary files, can be
> downloaded from here
> <https://mapwindow4.codeplex.com/releases/view/110244>. It's free an open
> source project: MapWindow.
> In their examples page
> <http://www.mapwindow.org/documentation/mapwingis4.9/examples.html>, by
> loading the *Interop.MapWinGIS.dll* file, they call the *MapWinGIS.*
> *Shapefile.Open()* method like so:
> using MapWinGIS;
> string shpfilename = "C:/example.shp";
> Shapefile sf = new Shapefile();
> if (sf.*Open*(shpfilename, null))
> {
> }
> However, when I try the same thing in ironpython:
> import clr
> import os
> shpfilename = "C:/example.shp"
> dllsfilename = "C:/mapwindow_dlls"
> clr.AddReferenceToFileAndPath(os.path.join(dllsfilename,
> "Interop.MapWinGIS.dll"))
> print "Interop.MapWinGIS.dll loaded: ", "Interop.MapWinGIS" in
> [assembly.GetName().Name for assembly in clr.References] # prints: True
> import MapWinGIS
> sf = MapWinGIS.Shapefile() # raises Error
> sf.*Open*(shpfilename, None)
> I am getting an error message:
> * "Message: Cannot create instances of Shapefile because it is abstract"*
> Why is this happening?
> I contacted the author of the project, but couldn't solve the issue.
> Any kind of advice would be helpful.
> Kind regards,
> Djordje Spasic
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