[Ironpython-users] Embedded IronPython, Properties with Custom Attributes, __clrtype__ and PropertyGrid
Borut Jarc
spartitraffico at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 11:46:12 EDT 2016
I'm Borut Jarc and I work at A.S.U.I.Ts (Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria
Integrata di Trieste) as a Domain Admin.
I'm writing an C# 4.0 application to help my Network Admins to manage the
subnets configured on our network switches.
The application has Iron Python embedded, a simple plugin system and a
plugin manager. The plugins are written in IronPython.
Everything works fine so now I am writing a configuration dialog for the
plugins properties.
I'm trying to use a PropertyGrid which I give an instance of an IronPython
To make use of all the nice features of PropertyGrid like Description,
Category and PasswordPropertyText i extended the ClrClass from clrtype
module from clrtye sample, implemeting the emit_property method as follows:
class MyClrClass(ClrClass):
def emit_property(self, typebld, prop, name, clrtype):
prpbld = typebld.DefineProperty(name, PropertyAttributes.None,
clrtype, None)
if prop.fget:
getter = self.emitted_methods[(prop.fget.func_name,
if prop.fset:
setter = self.emitted_methods[(prop.fset.func_name,
if hasattr(prop.fget, "CustomAttributeBuilders"):
for cab in prop.fget.CustomAttributeBuilders:
then in my IronPython script I define the class:
class OSCommware7_ssh(PluginBase):
__metaclass__ = clrtype.MyClrClass
_clrnamespace = "PianoIndirizzamentiIP_Tool"
_clrfields = {"_username":str,
Description = clrtype.attribute(DescriptionAttribute)
Category = clrtype.attribute(CategoryAttribute)
@Description("Username for login on Core Switch")
def username(self): return self._username
def username(self, value): self._username = value
(PluginBase is the c# class with acts as the plugin skeleton. Contais also
some plugin helper functions (password encryption decryption))
and in my c# code I do something like:
_engine = Python.CreateEngine();
_scope = _engine.CreateScope();
_runtime = _engine.Runtime;
_root_dir = AddAssemblies();
_scope = _engine.CreateScope();
ScriptSource script =
CompiledCode code = script.Compile();
dynamic plugin_instance = my_engine.scope.GetVariable("OSCommware7_ssh")()
propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = plugin_instance;
If I inspect plugin_instance with
username} System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
Attributes None System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes
CanRead true bool
CanWrite true bool
- CustomAttributes Count = 2
+ [0] {[System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute("Username for login on
Core Switch")]} System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData
+ [1] {[System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute("Credentials")]}
+ Raw View
+ DeclaringType {Name = "OSCommware7_ssh" FullName =
"PianoIndirizzamentiIP_Tool.OSCommware7_ssh"} System.Type
+ GetMethod {System.String username()} System.Reflection.MethodInfo
IsSpecialName false bool
MemberType Property System.Reflection.MemberTypes
MetadataToken 385875970 int
+ Module {Snippets.scripting} System.Reflection.Module
Name "username" string
+ PropertyType {Name = "String" FullName = "System.String"} System.Type
+ ReflectedType {Name = "OSCommware7_ssh" FullName =
"PianoIndirizzamentiIP_Tool.OSCommware7_ssh"} System.Type
+ SetMethod {Void username(System.String)} System.Reflection.MethodInfo
+ Non-Public members
I see all the properties and their CustomAttributes set as expected, but
for some reason PropertyGrid simply ignore them.
I feel like I'm missing something important but I don't know what.
Can someone explain me what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you and forgive my poor English...
Borut Jarc
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