[Mailman-Developers] Some improvement suggestions

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@CNRI.Reston.Va.US (Barry A. Warsaw)
Fri, 5 Jun 1998 13:13:50 -0400 (EDT)

Catching up on some issues...

>>>>> "KM" == Ken Manheimer <klm@python.org> writes:

    KM> The first item is the ability to edit the new-member welcome
    KM> message.[...]

    KM> I think we would have to change the format substitutions,
    KM> currently all the "%s" order dependent style, to be
    KM> "%(real_name)s" dictionary substitutions, and otherwise do the
    KM> same kind of thing we do for the html templates.  (Ah, i see
    KM> barry's done that in some recent checkins.)  There is a bunch
    KM> of messages, some which may benefit from this treatment, other
    KM> might just clutter the list admins choices.

Dragon subsequently mentioned Digicool's DocumentTemplate stuff, and
that might certainly be a long-term goal.  One of the short term
things I'd like to do is to move most of the triple-quoted-strings of
text that serve as templates, out of the .py files, and into text file 
in say, $prefix/data.  Then convert them to using dictionary
interpolation of values.  I think this will help move us in a
direction of being able to do things perhaps like I18N, using
DocumentTemplate (perhaps), etc.  It'll certainly make it easier to
track down and change various publically visible texts.
