[Mailman-Developers] Re: bounce agressiveness

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@CNRI.Reston.Va.US (Barry A. Warsaw)
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 11:48:05 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "JV" == John Viega <viega@list.org> writes:

    JV> Sure, but then again I've never seen an error message as a
    JV> list admin for a non-transient error that was actually
    JV> transient (ie, 'no such user' only lasting a few minutes).  It
    JV> really doesn't matter, might as well be safe about it.

Right.  Guido had a good point which was that it might simplify the
code such that all bounces are treated the same.  Treating permanent
failures like transient failures with retries doesn't seem like it
could hurt.
    JV> I do like the idea of sending daily mail for actually an
    JV> extended period of time.  Maybe it could be every 3rd day for
    JV> 60 days, since mail generally doesn't get rejected as
    JV> undeliverable for 3 days.  We could use the confirmation
    JV> mechanism to let people get back on the list.


    JV> By the way, does the confirmation mechanism clean up
    JV> unanswered confirmation mail?  How long does it sit there if
    JV> so?  If not, we probably need to add that :)

I don't know, but I agree!
