[Mailman-developers] Found it! (I have a divergent version of MailMan)

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@CNRI.Reston.Va.US (Barry A. Warsaw)
Fri, 1 May 1998 11:05:59 -0400 (EDT)


Very cool that you have continued hacking on Mailman.  I think we
should definitely work together to get a single merged version.  One
of the things that we hope to do RSN is get an anonymous CVS read-only
tree up and running.  That will hopefully keep developers as painfully
up-to-date as they want, and encourage people to submit patches
against the current devel versions.

>>>>> "TDDM" == The Dragon De Monsyne <dragondm@nexus.Integral.org> writes:

    TDDM> Added Makefile to make & install all the wrappers. Earlier
    TDDM> versions of this were posted to the previous MailMan dev
    TDDM> list. Things have been improved since.

    TDDM> Removed all dependance on MailMan being in /home/mailman.  I
    TDDM> made sure all scripts were always being run as the MailMan
    TDDM> user, then used the pwd module to find the current user's
    TDDM> home directory.  Everything else is found from there. (I did
    TDDM> this so I could have two MailMan installs on one machine, a
    TDDM> 'production' server, which runs several lists, and a
    TDDM> development server)

I'm currently working on autoconf'ing the installation process.  I've
got the src directory mostly working and just need to add a few more
things before I check stuff in.  I'd really like for you to be able to 

./configure --prefix=/not/home/mailman

and have everything Just Work.  The default $prefix will be /home/mailman.

    TDDM> (major) Compleatly changed the way outgoing mail gets sent.
    TDDM> Did much re-writing of mm_message & mm_deliver modules. Both
    TDDM> OutgoingMessage & IncomingMessage are now derived from a
    TDDM> common base class, ListMessage. Sending is accomplished by
    TDDM> calling send method of message object.  Mail is no longer
    TDDM> sent by piping to 'sendmail'! Instead, outgoing messages are
    TDDM> punted to a mailserver (currently always localhost) via
    TDDM> SMTP. I wrote an SMTP module, smtplib to do this. smtplib is
    TDDM> now part of the python standard library as of 1.5.1

Very cool.  I know this last bit was high on Ken's hit list.

    TDDM> Added random-mnemnonic password generator. Instead of
    TDDM> passwords like 'qZ', AOL-like random-word passwords are
    TDDM> generated (like 'cold-blue-tiger')

Also very cool.  I was thinking about using the implementation of
RFC1751 from Andrew Kuchling's PCT to do something similar.  Andrew
and I have talked about what he can do to release the non-export
controlled parts of the PCT separately.

    TDDM> Hopefully all this work wasn't redundant :>

I don't think so.  You've done some cool stuff that others are
attacking or want to attack.  Things may take a while to accrete as
people discover that Mailman is alive and kicking.  But it's really
good to see so many people interested in Mailman's future!
