[Mailman-Developers] Finally! admin cgi patches

Scott scott@chronis.pobox.com
Sat, 16 May 1998 15:49:46 -0400

On Sat, May 16, 1998 at 03:32:10PM -0400, Scott wrote:
| * membership management section for mass subscription now does
|   error checking for the addresses entered and reports what addresses
|   were successfully subscribed and which ones weren't and why.

I just took a look at the TODO list at www.list.org and thought i
should add a couple of quick notes.

the mass subscription section skips the confirmation and admin
approval steps, but still checks for valid email addresses and whether
the member has already been subscribed.

| * membership management section has an added section where list
|   members are shown in a table with checkboxes available for setting
|   their options or unsubscribing them.  There is a related
|   configuration variable in mm_defaults.ADMIN_MEMBER_CHUNKSIZE which
|   will  cause lists with more members than that value to only display
|   the first of that many members (sorted) and to display an index for
|   accessing the remaining chunks of members. 

this section includes all members, hidden or not.
