No subject

Corbett Klempay
Thu, 28 May 1998 22:29:17 -0400 (EDT)

(I'm not sure if this should really be on mailman-users or not instead,
but it seems somewhat relevant to this list as well)...

Does anyone have any quantitative (or maybe even non-quantitative) idea of
Mailman's performance, especially compared to direct competitors such as
Majordomo?  Do we know of any very high volume lists being run on Mailman
(or is this even a good idea?).  I imagine that something like ezmlm would
probably obliterate both Majordomo as well as Mailman as far as
performance, but I don't see the average list needing the kind of fiendish
performance ezmlm provides (don't me wrong; ezmlm has a lot to recommend
it); most people could (and would) trade ezmlm's speed for Mailman's slick
web interface.  But what I'm wondering is do we know how big this
performance tradeoff is?

Also, I saw that there was a mention on the TODO list about adding support
for other MTAs (such as qmail).  Has anyone implemented this on their own
yet?  Would providing support for qmail affect (enhance) performance much?

I'm trying to (seeing how smooth Mailman is) see what kind of potential
user base there will be; I'm wondering at what point the list becomes too
speed-critical to allow use of Mailman.  Any comments?

Corbett J. Klempay			         Quote of the Week:  "There exists in India no politician
				    daring enough to attempt to explain
                                    to the masses that cows can be eaten."

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