[Mailman-Developers] b6 in and working...except archive access :(
Corbett J. Klempay
Sat, 7 Nov 1998 21:18:47 -0500 (EST)
Hey all..I just got b6 in, and after some finangling with the cgi-gid (for
some reason, I have to tell it the number 99 instead of the word
nobody (a look in /etc/group confirms that nobody == 99)..not sure what
the story is with that, but it works now, so I'm not too worried)
Anyway, everything seems to be working fine...except accessing the
archives. I was upgrading from b5, so I ran 'make update' and it
converted everything all fine and dandy. When I try to link to a list's
archives (public archives; don't have any private ones set up), I get
You don't have permission to access /pipermail/tm on this server.
I was sure to add the ScriptAlias line to Apache's srm.conf file, so
that's there. The permissions on the /home/mailman/archives/ dirs look
[root@chimera archives]# ls -l
total 2
drwxrws--x 10 root mailman 1024 Nov 7 20:06 private
drwxrwsr-x 2 root mailman 1024 Nov 7 20:06 public
[root@chimera archives]#
Any ideas? Other than this, all seems kosher!
Corbett J. Klempay Quote of the Week:
http://www2.acm.jhu.edu/~cklempay "Conscience is the inner voice that
warns up that someone may be looking."
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