[Mailman-Developers] b6 in and working...except archive access :(
Barry A. Warsaw
bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us (Barry A. Warsaw)
Mon, 16 Nov 1998 14:42:59 -0500 (EST)
>>>>> "CJK" == Corbett J Klempay <cklempay@acm.jhu.edu> writes:
CJK> Hey all..I just got b6 in, and after some finangling with the
CJK> cgi-gid (for some reason, I have to tell it the number 99
CJK> instead of the word nobody (a look in /etc/group confirms
CJK> that nobody == 99)..not sure what the story is with that, but
CJK> it works now, so I'm not too worried)
Please let me know if you're able to reproduce this. It certainly
works for me:
./configure --prefix=/export/home/mailman --with-cgi-gid=nobody