[Mailman-Developers] Re: Please stop the cross posting
Ken Manheimer
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 12:59:02 -0500 (EST)
(Proper handling of the subject line prefix was one of the first things i
did - i'm pretty sure it was before 1.0b3, maybe 1.0b1. If i recall
correctly, i implemented a slightly more stringent strategy, only looking
for the prefix early on in the subject line, after "re:"'s, but before
other text. I know it takes care of the vast majority of cases, and i
suspect it's preferable more of the time in offbeat cases than looking for
the prefix anywhere in the subject line, but i may be wrong. I didn't see
the original post - still sorting out environment and email - so i'm not
sure about the specific case being discussed...)
On Fri, 29 Jan 1999, Christian Tismer wrote:
> Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> >
> > >>>>> "CT" == Christian Tismer <tismer@appliedbiometrics.com> writes:
> >
> > CT> I will also propose to change Mailman to handle this
> > CT> in a better way. My own patched version on Starship
> > CT> never prepends the list name if it can be matched in the
> > CT> "re" already.
> >
> > I thought Mailman already does this too. I'll double check. Chris,
> > you might want to send your patches to mailman-developers@python.org
> Well, these patches were for a very old Mailman. I don't know
> wether they still apply. But the idea is simple. Only prepend
> the prefix if you cannot string.find it.