[Mailman-Developers] Re: Please stop the cross posting
Christopher G. Petrilli
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 13:57:17 -0500
On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 01:47:21PM -0500, Ken Manheimer wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Jan 1999, Christopher G. Petrilli wrote:
> > [I propose some half-baked thoughts about object relationships]
> I don't think it's a hard problem, and i agree, i don't think it's high
> enough priority to retrofit to 1.x. If there's sufficient mandate (read,
> incentives for digital creations) for mailman and zope to exploit on
> eachother's capabilities, we may be able to spend some time tailoring them
> for eachother a bit, avoiding locking mailman to zope, but strengthing
> mailman where zope is available... Exciting prospects, and i actually
> think there will be the mandate. Got a lot to do before then, though, so
> don't hold your breath.
Well, given all the licensing things not being resolved yet, these are
just hypothetical ideas... well, real ideas with hypothetical
What I see is this... not Mailmain as part of Zope, but a parallel
"application" on top of the Zbase... this of course depends on the new
ideas proposed by Jim for BoboPOS3, ney Zbase 3? Zope could then be
used to provide a management interface to the mailing-list "publisher"
that works off the same database.
I don't know... hmm... it's all so complex! :-) I'm going to sit down
and think through the object-model that would be necessary for this,
maybe whip out a few UML models to put it down on virtual paper...
assuming I remember all my modeling theory! ;-)
One idea, and I don't know how feasible it is at THIS point, is to use
ZPublisher as the basis for a new management interface, and then wrap
that up in such a way as to allow it to be Productized for Zope so
someone could just plug the interface in anywhere they want :-)
> (BTW, ironically, i've been tempted to post my messages in this to the
> zope list!-)
No no, not at this point anyway... I'm new to this whole thign anyway,
so maybe I'm just wacko and thinking of things that have been hased out
to death already.
| Christopher Petrilli
| petrilli@amber.org