[Mailman-Developers] Cookies and MSIE 4.x

Evaldas Auryla evaldas.auryla@pheur.org
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 15:11:18 +0200


It seems like MS Internet Explorer 4.x (except 4.7x for NT) is not
following RFC 2109 and storing cookies sent by Mailman _without_
dbl.quotes "".

Mailman fails verifying these cookies, because Cookie.py module thinks
the incoming cookie does not contain any special chars (not true) as it
is _not_ enclosed with dbl.quotes so decoding goes wrong.

The consequence is that for the administration of the Mailman over the
web you have to re-enter password to authenticate on every page.

I made a little patch to SecurityManager.py to get around this problem,
experienced in Mailman 1.0rc2 and 1.0rc3, (for the Mailman in fact it's
a feature, not a bug :-)) and submitted it to the JitterBug database
http://www.python.org/mailman-bugs/ .

Does anybody had something similar ?
