[Mailman-Developers] something to add to v2,please

DAFcnc DAFcnc@iwr.ru.ac.za
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:54:26 +0200


I'm not a list member so reply direct please

I've been using mailman to run my list for about 2 months now and it
is just great
However, there is one thing I'd like to see added to future versions. 
As the list adminstrator I'd like to be able to extract a full list of
members with settings as a 'text file'.   The membership management
screen only lists 30 at a time in a table.  I'd like an option to dump
all members, plus the settings, as a lump of text in a <pre></pre>
I can then copy and paste it to a file for backup purposes, and for
mass admin purposes.
The settings can simply by a bunch of 1 or 0 in the order of the table
headings to indicate the status of those options.

I'm use to having such a text listing after using Mercury MTS on a
Novell server for 3 years for this list of mine.


steam and wind

       David Forsyth                 DaForce A-T Iwr.Ru.Ac.Za
Keeper of the listserver for South African Railways fans       _|_ His
Part time gricer, kiter, photographer, father etc etc           |  Way
http://www.ru.ac.za/departments/iwr/staff/daf/welcome.html      |  Up