[Mailman-Developers] features I would like to see
Brian Edmonds
25 Apr 2000 10:13:42 -0700
Right, more features I'd like. :)
1. A bounced status, in addition to nomail. On my Majordomo install I
have a list called bounces, and a script to automagically unsub
people from a list and resub them to bounces. Every address on the
bounces list gets a daily reminder that they have been unsubscribed
due to mail bouncing.
In addition we would then need a new cron job to mail all addresses
set to bounced status with a notice, and to automatically dun out any
addresses that have remained as bounced for a period that is
configurable on a per-list basis. Then it could also be added as an
option to the auto bounce handling to have addresses switched to
bounced instead of just disabled.
2. I've also modified my bounce script to by default switch users from
the main list to the digest first, if one exists. This would also be
a nice option for bouncing mail, so that users with shorter term
problems, such as quota, could get for example five days grace, then
bounced to the digest for a further five days, then set to bounced
state for a week then unsubscribed. Moving them to digest state can
keep them on the list but reduce server load for busy lists.
3. When handling submissions that are held for admin approval it would
be handy to have another option to MIME encapsulate the message and
mail it to the list admin. That way I could make simple formatting
changes or add admin comments to the occasional message and remail it
myself instead of simply having to reject it.
4. Are the web pages setting no-cache appropriately? It could just be a
bad interaction with my proxy or Netscape cache settings, but the
admin pages are being cached which means I have to hit reload quite
often to make sure I'm getting the latest list settings, or I end up
submitting old data. Having the archives be cacheable makes sense,
and people can reload as needed, but the admin and subscriber config
pages should definitely be no-cache.
I hope this sparks some discussion, and some creative juices in the
developers. :) I'd start submitting patches of my own, but I'm a perl
programmer, not python, so I've got a bit of a learning curve to get
over first.