[Mailman-Developers] mail/news gateway
Gergely Madarasz
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 19:09:34 +0100 (MET)
On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us wrote:
> >>>>> "GM" == Gergely Madarasz <gorgo@sztaki.hu> writes:
> GM> Ah, indeed, now mailman calls the MTA directly, and no smtp on
> GM> port 25, right ?
> Not quite. There are actually two interchangable modules which do
> delivery. Sendmail.py expects sendmail command line interface and
> uses os.popen() to invoke a subprocess. SMTPDirect.py opens port 25
> and blasts the message to the MTA. The latter does no queuing because
> it is my observation that 1) assuming the SMTP is running correctly,
> and 2) you are not doing DSN, the SMTP delivery happens asynchronously
> so still only be notified of errors by the bounce mechanism. 1.1 had
> all the queuing stuff because with DSN enabled (for those MTAs that
> support this ESMTP feature), delivery was synchronous and Mailman had
> to deal with exceptions instead of letting the MTA do it.
But it happened quite often that mailman couldn't connect to port 25
because sendmail wasn't accepting connections due to high load (loads
above 25 are usual on this machine...), so queueing was needed anyway...
Madarasz Gergely gorgo@sztaki.hu gorgo@linux.rulez.org
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