[Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 2.0 beta 1
Ralf Hildebrandt
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 16:02:09 +0100
On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 11:53:49PM -0500, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> - cron/upvolumes_yearly, cron/upvolumes_monthly, cron/archive,
> cron/run_queue all removed. Edit your crontab if you used these
> scripts. Other scripts removed: contact_transport, deliver,
> dumb_deliver.
I did't see that mentioned in UPGRADING
Ralf Hildebrandt <R.Hildebrandt@tu-bs.de> www.stahl.bau.tu-bs.de/~hildeb
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