[Mailman-Developers] A suggestion
Barry A. Warsaw
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 11:31:26 -0500 (EST)
>>>>> "MO" == Marek Obuchowicz <elephant@pld.org.pl> writes:
MO> I couldn't find the possibility of removing headers in
MO> mailman. Removing 'Recieved' headers is ofen used by
MO> majordomo users (like me in the past). I host one list and
MO> I'd like to hide senders' Message-Id. How can I do it?
Header filtering is not supported through the web interface, but
Mailman 2.0 (of which beta1 is currently released) will provide a very
simple way for you to add such functionality. You can drop a handler
module into Mailman/Handlers which will strip out the headers you
don't care about. See Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py for an example.