[Mailman-Developers] Slight oddity on ubsubscription

Nigel Metheringham Nigel.Metheringham@VData.co.uk
Wed, 01 Nov 2000 10:10:47 +0000

Here's a message I got from one of my subscribers - makes a reasonable 
point [I have edited the address in there to prevent it being exposed].


So, I see that an old form of my address is subscribed to the announce
list.  I look for a way to change the address, don't see it, so

On the unsubscription results page, I see:
-----------------------------< cut here >-------------------------------
Exim-announce Unsubscribe Results

You have been unsubscribed.

Continue to edit your personal options. 
-----------------------------< cut here >-------------------------------

The last four words there are a link; following that brings me to a page
-----------------------------< cut here >-------------------------------

exim-announce: No such member 'removed@to.protect.guilty'.
-----------------------------< cut here >-------------------------------

Perhaps someone who's unsubscribed shouldn't be prompted to continue

Ah well -- I followed it because I was worried that cruft might have
been left behind.  I've at least had some reassurance about that.  :^)

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[ Nigel Metheringham                  Nigel.Metheringham@VData.co.uk ]
[ Phone: +44 1423 850000                         Fax +44 1423 858866 ]