[Mailman-Developers] Mailman and GPG.
Chuq Von Rospach
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 23:17:22 -0800
At 2:13 AM -0500 11/7/00, Omri Schwarz wrote:
>MUAs that support encryption do exist.
>Unfortunately, they cater mostly to Unix gurus.
Until you can convince the general public to encrypt mail, then
you'll never get real encryption support in systems (much as we need
it)... right now, encryption stuff sings only to the choir, not the
church members....
Chuq Von Rospach - Plaidworks Consulting (mailto:chuqui@plaidworks.com)
Apple Mail List Gnome (mailto:chuq@apple.com)
Be just, and fear not.