[Mailman-Developers] Suggestions 4 Mailman
Vizi Szilard
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 10:38:03 +0100
I am using Mailman for 5 small mailing lists, and I have some advice.
I have not read through the developers archive yet, so forgive me if I
say something that someone already said.
It would be better if the monthly reminder contains the current
settings for both the user and the list. Like this:
[ack] [digest] [plain] [nomail] [norcv] [hide]
For explanations see the mail called HELP.
The Listname SETTINGS ARE:
[maxmessage size=xxx kB]
[archive is public/privat (authorization needed]
[subscribers list is public/privat/not avaliable]
admin address is: name@some.where
Any comments, question should be send to the admin.
Okay, I know that this can be achived with an "options" command,
but the dummy users never use the commands. Even a few of
them do not understand the differences between the listname and
the listname-request email addresses.
And the Listname settings can help the users how big could be
a message, eg. why can not be seen the listname at the web interface
(because it is hidden), and who is managing the mailinglist.
And here is my second problem.
Can be Mailman a bit more intelligent? If I have a user who makes the
same mistakes, Mailman can solve the problem without any admin
eg. the user posts a message but the address is in the BCC header, not
in the To header. Mailman processes the message like the address is
in the To header. Or there is a user who always post "funny" pictures,
sometimes he/she posts a bigger picture, than the list setting allows.
Mailman processes this message for this user only, other users with
big messages should wait for the admin interaction. a.s.o
Thats all, I think.
Szilard Vizi