[Mailman-Developers] Reply-To bug in 2.0beta6

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@beopen.com
Fri, 29 Sep 2000 09:12:34 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "TK" == Tokio Kikuchi <tkikuchi@is.kochi-u.ac.jp> writes:

    TK> I think I traced a bug in 2.0beta6

    TK> in Mailman/Handlers/CookHeaders.py

    >> # # Reply-To: munging.  Do not do this if the message is "fast
    >> tracked", # meaning it is internally crafted and delivered to a
    >> specific user, # or if there is already a reply-to set.  If the
    >> user has set # one we assume they have a good reason for it,
    >> and we don't # second guess them.  if not fasttrack or
    >> msg.get('reply-to'):
    | this line should be
    |       if not fasttrack and not msg.get('reply-to'):

    TK> Sorry but I have no time to use diff.

    | This bug caused confirm message to go list address
    | in some cases (cf. -users discussion)

That's in the CVS tree.  Given that MM 2.0 final is just a couple of
weeks away, is this problem serious enough to warrant an emergency
beta 7?
