[Mailman-Developers] Starting mailmanctl

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 15 Aug 2001 02:43:43 -0400

>>>>> "RP" == Rodolfo Pilas <rodolfo@linux.org.uy> writes:

    RP> But I started it from init.d/boot.local (SuSE 7.2) and I had
    RP> problems. Can somebody explain me how to start this daemon
    RP> (i.e. start at last, or if it requires some other services) to
    RP> have it working into init level 3 (think that your reply may
    RP> be included into INSTALL doc ;)

It's likely that `python' is not on the default $PATH for boot.local.
Does it work if you run

    /path/to/my/python /path/to/my/mailman/bin/mailmanctl start

instead?  mailmanctl uses a shebang line of /usr/bin/env to search for
the python executable.  I don't want to make mailmanctl autoconf
generated, but JD Bronson donated a boot script that could be made
autoconf'able.  I'll check it for Linux compatibility tomorrow and
check it in if it looks good.  I'll let others check for compatibility
on other *nixes.
