[Mailman-Developers] Re: Preventing spam to list admins.

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 00:07:25 -0400

>>>>> "DC" == David Champion <dgc@uchicago.edu> writes:

    DC> Could call it 2.99, just to aggrieve version-number zealots
    DC> (like me).

Oh, oh, I know!  Mailman 2001.  We'll corner the Windows market in no time.

    DC> 'Course, if you were really after my goat, you'd start making
    DC> "stable" releases even-numbered, and "development" releases
    DC> odd....

Aauuugggh, no!

have-enough-goats-as-it-is-ly y'rs,