[Mailman-Developers] ZMailman 2.1 preview

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 09:30:27 -0500

>>>>> "SR" == Stephan Richter <srichter@cbu.edu> writes:

    >> And it has.  I've tried to clean some of it up through the
    >> MemberAdaptor interface.  What Mailman needs is an API for the
    >> list-, vhost-, and site-specific data being slung around.

    SR> Yeah, the vhost- and site-specific info was already a problem
    SR> in ZMailman.  You simply need an object above mailing lists,
    SR> which I called Mailman Folder (not the best name I
    SR> know). There you can save all the specific site and host
    SR> information and all the other default values.

I'd like to see a refactoring of configuration/authority levels in
MM3.0 so that e.g. a site admin could set some variables and decide
which can overridden by a vhost owner (or I think as JC once pointed
out, more generally a group owner).  The vhost owner could then decide
what to delegate to list owners.

Most of this has been discussed previously on this list.
