[Mailman-Developers] ScriptURL with aolserver

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Sun, 16 Dec 2001 15:32:56 -0500

>>>>> "ES" == Ellen Spertus <spertus@mills.edu> writes:

    ES> I am using aolserver 3.2, which seems to set nonstandard
    ES> values for the environment variables SCRIPT_NAME and
    ES> PATH_INFO.  When I do a GET on
    ES> "http://javamlm.mills.edu/mailman/admin/test", the values are:
    ES> SCRIPT_NAME: /mailman/admin/test PATH_INFO: /test

I believe this is not compliant with the CGI spec.  SCRIPT_NAME should
be /mailman/admin and PATH_INFO should be test.

I vaguely remember a similar issue with (I think) thttpd which has
subsequently been fixed, but I don't remember the details.

    ES> Workarounds: - Use a behaving web server

...or fix your broken one. :)  I'm not in favor of adding official
workarounds for broken web servers (or mtas, or web browsers... etc)
What do the aolserver folks have to say about this?
