[Mailman-Developers] Here's a little issue with the news gatewaying: If the n

Ron Jarrell jarrell@vt.edu
Tue, 13 Mar 2001 18:52:30 -0500

At 06:24 PM 3/13/01 -0500, you wrote:

>>>>>> "JRA" == Jay R Ashworth <jra@baylink.com> writes:
>    JRA> Barry?  How far along the garden path *is* 2.1?
>It's in alpha, and AFAIK isn't being used by anyone except for testing
>purposes.  In fact there have been zero downloads from SF so I wonder
>if you all are just ignoring it, or if everyone uses CVS. :)

I know I work off the CVS tree, although I haven't had a chance to look at
my changes vs. your changes to see if you missed anything out of what
I fixed in the last go round...  I never bother downloading anything from
SF, since my tree is usually current.