[Mailman-Developers] Re: mailman and the web (OFFTOPIC)
Barry A. Warsaw
Sun, 18 Mar 2001 11:43:16 -0500
>>>>> "TW" == Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net> writes:
TW> It's 'joe', but it could have been (X)Emacs as well :) I
TW> haven't figured out how to teach (X)Emacs about quote
TW> characters yet, though. (joe recognizes common prefixes and
TW> takes them into account when doing paragraph reflowing. Say
TW> you have a text like
Do you know about filladapt? It's a way cool add-on (which comes with
XEmacs but not sure about Emacs) and it seems to Just Work with most
kinds of crazy prefixing, not just of bizarrely quoted email text
<wink>, but with, say numbered lists in Python comments.
TW> It fucks up occasionaly, and you don't want to do paragraph
TW> reflowing on a preformated paragraph (say, Python code
TW> examples :) but for replying to people with broken
TW> mailers/editors, it's +rock :) And besides, if it goes wrong,
TW> you do ^_ (undo :)
BTW, for any latent elisp hackers out there, my long orphaned
Supercite 4 alpha has some heuristics to try to recognize code
examples, and other types of text in email messages and quote/wrap
them accordingly. So far, I've found no takers to continue to work on
the code, which despite its well-deserved alpha label has served me
well for several years.
getting-really-off-topic-now-ly y'rs,