[Mailman-Developers] Re: Dates
Barry A. Warsaw
Wed, 2 May 2001 09:48:26 -0400
>>>>> "DC" == David Champion <dgc@uchicago.edu> writes:
DC> Here we brush by the unspoken third approach to the problem.
DC> Rather than altering the date in the copy of the message fed
DC> to the archiver, Mailman can feed the "correct" date
DC> out-of-band. The archiver can use this altered date, as you
DC> say, for collation, but retain the original Date: header for
DC> the archive itself.
Read "out-of-band" as "add-a-header" and I can agree. Okay, if the
original Date: header isn't clobbered, I'll add the
X-List-Received-Date: header to the copy of the message that the
archiver gets. So you get the behavior you want by setting