[Mailman-Developers] CPU Usage
Barry A. Warsaw
Tue, 9 Oct 2001 23:20:39 -0400
>>>>> "RP" == Rodolfo Pilas <rodolfo@linux.org.uy> writes:
RP> Dear Barry, thank you for your reply.
RP> I have this problem every two days. I need to kill -9 the
RP> hang python process (the others mailmanctl can be down with
RP> mailmanctl stop) and rm the /var/.../locks/* and then restart
RP> bin/mailmanctl start.
Using some other signal doesn't kill mailmanctl? You have to use -9?
RP> If I do not rm the locks/ directory the mailmanctl start says
RP> that I have another daemon pid into /var/.../data/qrunner.pid
RP> but this file do not exists. (the problem is the
RP> /var/.../locks/ directory!)
It makes sense that if you kill -9 the process, you'd have to clean up
the locks and pid file. Processes can't catch SIGKILL so Mailman
can't exit cleanly when this signal is sent.
RP> Please, feel free to contact me if you wish that I test some
RP> other version of the qrunner.
I'm probably going to go through one more round of rewrite of
mailmanctl. I don't like the fact that you have to do a stop/start
cycle when you (well, really I ;) make a change to the mail processing
code. I can't implement a "restart" command given the current code
because imports get in the way. I probably need to do an exec after
the fork to make this work well.
In any event, I'll stress test this after the rewrite. I have also
seen some strange stuff with mailmanctl, but I haven't spent the time
yet to track them down.