[Mailman-Developers] Problem in 2.1b1's contrib/qmail-to-mailman.py
Barry A. Warsaw
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 14:27:20 -0500
>>>>> "BW" == Bill Wagner <bwagner@potpie.org> writes:
BW> That patch basically just changes it to point to mail/mailman
BW> now, right?
Check cvs because I also just caught up on a few changes that Ben
Gertzfield contributed.
>> From what I can tell, it's still not going to work. I know you
>> said that
BW> qmailsupport's basically left up to the community, so I just
BW> want to get as much info out there as I can (as I don't know a
BW> damn thing about python) so maybe someone who does and uses
BW> qmail can try and fix this.
BW> At any rate, when changed to point to mail/mailman, the
BW> deferral message says that mailcmd is an illegal command. Is
BW> this something that's been left over from 2.0.x and has been
BW> depreciated for another equivalent in 2.1? I might not know
BW> any python, but I'm not afraid to hack code :)
It would help to see the exact error message. If mailcmd is exiting
with an error code 2, it's probably the classic wrong-gid problem:
If it's something else, then check cvs and see if the latest updates
fix the problem.
BW> And on a similar line of questioning, in 2.0.x, there was an
BW> option available called MTA_ALIASES_STYLE which I'd typically
BW> set to 'qmail' in my Mailman/mm_cfg.py. It'd tell you what to
BW> do in order to create the .qmail-* files for the list but it
BW> doesn't seem to exist in 2.1 either? Am I right in this
BW> orjust smoking crack?
Correct, this isn't useful anymore.
For someone who is knowledgeable about qmail, the thing to do is to
take Mailman/MTA/Manual.py and port the output to qmail and wrap it
all in a file appropriate for Mailman/MTA/Qmail.py. This would allow
you to set this in your mm_cfg.py file:
MTA = 'Qmail'
Then again, it'd be better if qmail could just be taught to
automatically recognize Mailman lists, but again, I don't know enough
about qmail to write the appropriate recipes.