[Mailman-Developers] MemberAdaptor... trouble with API?
Barry A. Warsaw
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 19:29:02 -0400
>>>>> "SS" == Steve Spicklemire <steve@spvi.com> writes:
SS> I've started poking around in mailman, trying to help out some
SS> folks, and I've come across something I'm not sure how to
SS> handle. I'd like to get Mailman working with LDAP, and the
SS> first order of business is to simply allow folks to use their
SS> LDAP passwords as an option when authenticating with
SS> Mailman. Here was my first crack at it:
SS> I expected that all I needed to do was to replace
SS> "authenticateMember' in extend.py and I would be
SS> set. Unfortunately, my code never gets called! Snooping
SS> through the SecurityManager class, I see that instead, it uses
SS> 'getMemberPassword', and never calls 'authenticateMember' at
SS> all!
Worse than that, a grep reveals that authenticateMember() isn't called
One of the reasons why SecurityManager is written the way it is, is
because we want to be able to use the password as part of the input
into the cookie hashcode.
SS> The problem is that we don't have any unencrypted
SS> passwords to "get".
Do you have an encrypted password, or any other secret only associated
with the member?
SS> So do I need to override "Authenticate" of
SS> SecurityManger to call authenticateMember rather then
SS> 'getMemberPassword'? This seems a little wierd. Would it be
SS> better to have SecurityManager call 'authenticateMember'?
There's a lot of code sharing going on here, between the part that
decodes the cookie and verifies the cookie or cleartext password
input. You could try the following patch, untested, to see if this
helps. I'll try it too when I get a chance.
SS> Is
SS> the cleartext password really required? If it *is* actually
SS> required, couldn't the code just call 'authenticateMember',
SS> and if successful, use 'response', rather than asking for the
SS> cleartext password from the member adaptor?
Hmm, possibly! MakeCookie() would have to change too, and
WebAuthenticate() would have to pass it teh response, which it would
use as the secret instead of what AuthContextInfo() returns. You'd
still need to call AuthContextInfo() to build the key though.
You bring up some good points.
-------------------- snip snip --------------------
Index: SecurityManager.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/mailman/mailman/Mailman/SecurityManager.py,v
retrieving revision 2.18
diff -u -r2.18 SecurityManager.py
--- SecurityManager.py 24 Jul 2002 14:24:45 -0000 2.18
+++ SecurityManager.py 20 Aug 2002 23:25:53 -0000
@@ -191,9 +191,7 @@
if secret and sha.new(response).hexdigest() == secret:
return ac
elif ac == mm_cfg.AuthUser:
- # The user's passwords are kept in plain text
- key, secret = self.AuthContextInfo(ac, user)
- if secret and response == secret:
+ if self.authenticateMember(user, response):
return ac
# What is this context???