[Mailman-Developers] (More) pristine archives

Norbert Bollow nb@cisto.com
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 18:10:25 +0200

J C Lawrence <claw@kanga.nu> wrote:

> Specifically that I want to archive the exact message, down to the byte,
> that subscriber's receive.  Beyond that I don't care.

I'd love to have this, and in addition (perhaps in a separate file)
the exact headers and first ten lines of all incoming messages
(postings, admin requests, subscription confirmations, everything).

Greetings, Norbert.

Founder & Steering Committee member of http://gnu.org/projects/dotgnu/
Norbert Bollow, Weidlistr.18, CH-8624 Gruet (near Zurich, Switzerland)
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