[Mailman-Developers] Protecting email addresses from spam harvesters
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 17:07:41 -0800
On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 08:03:14PM -0500, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> MM> The funny thing is that I've gotten lots of hate mail saying
> MM> "how do you dare sending my my mailman password in
> MM> cleartext. STOP THIS NOW!!!", but not one "why did this come
> MM> from test-admin@lists.sf.net" :-)
> MM> That said, I very much welcome the new option in 2.1.
> And of course, in MM2.1 they can turn their password reminders off
> entirely.
Yes, I was very relieved when that feature appeared :-)
> MM> Am I to understand however that the sitewide list doesn't have
> MM> to be a list and can be a mail alias instead?
> No, as it stands in cvs, it has to be a list.
Not that it is a big deal to me, but out of curiosity: what part of mailman
cares that it's a list and not a mail alias?
Does mailman act on the bounces sent back to the envelope from when it sends
password reminders?
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