[Mailman-Developers] Marc Perkel's Feature Wish List
Marc Perkel
Wed, 02 Jan 2002 14:11:59 -0800
I have a few items I'd like to add to the wish list. I have looked at
the todo list and I think what I'm going to ask for is not on the list
already. If it is - I appoligize.
I have set up the system and I've been running it for a few weeks and I
really like it. But there's a few little missing features - many of
which should be easy to add, that I hope you developers will consider.
I'm the systems admin for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
User Aliases
I'd like to be able to enter (and/or allow the user to enter) other
email addresses that if they sens email from the other address they have
the same membership privileges as the original member email address.
Thus if gnu@eff.org is in the list but the email comes from gnu@toad.com
then it is treated the same. Ideally - the user could make these aliases
and it would apply to all lists the user is a member of.
Master Lists of Lists and Master admin page:
Right now the url http://domain.com/mailman/admin goes to a page that
just shows public lists. I'd like to see a link there that goes to a
master admin page - where you first have to enter the master password -
and then you get several master admin options - including:
1) A list of all lists - links to the admin pages of each list whether
public or not.
2) Menu to create a new list - avoiding the need to go to the command
3) Change master Password.
4) All other master maintenance stuff - checking the database integrity
- that sort of thing.
5) Delete a list.
6) Options for list owners - that would allow/not allow list owners to
delete a list.
7) Control of other list manager privileges - virtual domain owners -
8) Menu to set defaults for new list creation - or defaults for new
lists on a per virtual domain basis.
List Membership and Priveleges
Mailman allows a list of people (nonmembers) who are allowed to post to
the list. The list normally contains additional email addresses. I would
like to see the ability to refer to the entire membership of other lists
for membership/or posting privileges. For example "@otherlistname" could
mean to include all the members of another list as being allowed to post
to this list. Thus you could create an umbrella list - containing 3
other lists - and make the list postable by the members of any of the
three lists (and thier personal aliases) and no one else.
Additionally - I'd like to enter a flat file reference
"/usr/lists/viplist" to include as people who can also post. So if I
have 50 lists and we get a new board member - I don't have to add them
as a privileged person to 50 lists.
Global Individual Passwords and Parameters
If I set my password - that should be my password for all lists. This
also applies to my real name - for whenever you add that - and other
info about me as a user that I chose to set - such as my email aliases -
my home page - my favorite links - or whatever. Maybe the ability to
have a checkbox on some "per list" setting that allow me to apply the
changes to all lists.
Global Blacklists:
Some people play by the rules - some don't. It would be nice to have
global blacklist and global whitelist features to control spammers and
those who otherwise misbehave.
Moderation Defaults
I'd like a setting so that if non-members post to the list that their
messages are automatically dropped (bounced) without list owner
intervention. The bounce message should be able to be customized giving
the user information to join the list - or just go to hell.
Anyhow --- many of these features could be easilly added - many might
take some serious work - but - I thought I'd add this to the wanted list
in case no one else thought of these things.
Marc Perkel