[Mailman-Developers] Foiling automated subscriptions by spammers
Barry A. Warsaw
Sat, 5 Jan 2002 11:36:07 -0500
>>>>> "GFN" == George F Nemeyer <tigerwolf@tigerden.com> writes:
>> Has anyone heard rumors that big spamhauses are planning to
>> deploy new technology to attack mailing lists, or for that
>> matter are planning anything specific for this spring?
GFN> I've not heard rumors, but the way I read the ominous
GFN> forecast was that spammers plan to automate the
GFN> subscription/confirmation process to get into lists initially
GFN> with the hope of getting at least one spam flood through.
GFN> If that's true, it seems the next logical step is to create
GFN> lists that are 'semi-moderated'.
GFN> That is, for any new subscriber, a human reviews and manually
GFN> approves the first N postings, until the user can be tagged
GFN> as 'trusted' and their subsequent posts are then allowed onto
GFN> the list automatically. If any early posts are spam, the
GFN> user is summarily booted. N can even be zero if the list
GFN> owner knows and trusts the user when they approve the
GFN> subscription to the list initially.
Mailman 2.1 will do this, although it will take manual intervention to
remove a member from probation. It'll be easy though; on the same
screen where a moderator approves messages, there'll be a checkbox to
remove the moderate (i.e. probation) flag from a member.
One thing's missing currently though: the ability to flag a member as
a spammer and thus move them from probation to a ban list. That ought
to be easy to add, and I will for MM2.1beta1; the hard part will be
working out the U/I so it doesn't further clutter an already busy