[Mailman-Developers] an
accents problem with "é"
Barry A. Warsaw
Wed, 3 Jul 2002 12:39:53 -0400
>>>>> "F" == Fil <fil@rezo.net> writes:
F> Is that correct or bogus ? It's encoded for sure, but seems
F> correct. Does Mailman re-encode it? Let's see... bin/qrunner
F> -r IncomingRunner -o
I think it's correct.
F> So I'm not sure what to think. (Just to joke, I'm adding a bad
F> character to th subject line of this post)
I'd classify this as a bug in email or in the way Mailman uses email.
The original headers should be decoded from a string to an
email.Header.Header instance. I'll try to work out the details of the
bug and a patch.