[Mailman-Developers] Opening up a few can o' worms here...
Barry A. Warsaw
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 02:39:16 -0400
>>>>> "CVR" == Chuq Von Rospach <chuqui@plaidworks.com> writes:
CVR> 1) I (as the list admin to the recipient) am offering a
CVR> service. I strongly believe that if I'm offering a service, I
CVR> have an ethical (if not legal) responsibility to make that
CVR> service as problem free as possible.
Wow, I guess you don't read many EULAs do ya? :)
your-problem-son-is-ya-got-morals-ly y'rs,
P.S. Someday soon you/we may indeed have that legal responsibility.
Although obviously a worthy goal, I'm actually a little fearful of
what that'll mean for free software.