[Mailman-Developers] 2.1b2 error after reboot
Barry A. Warsaw
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 11:21:07 -0400
>>>>> "LR" == Luigi Rosa <lrosa@mail.hypertrek.info> writes:
LR> Hello, half an hour ago I suffered an unscheduled power
LR> outage, when my Linux (RH 7.3) rebooted, I had to correct an
LR> unlinked i-node in /tmp file system (apparently a .pid file).
LR> The qrunner deamon did not start and reported this error: Jul
LR> Then I did a
LR> # service mailman stop
LR> and mailman logged this
LR> Jul 24 16:35:27 2002 mailmanctl(1112): No child with pid:
LR> 25776 Jul 24 16:35:27 2002 mailmanctl(1112): [Errno 3] No such
LR> process Jul 24 16:35:27 2002 mailmanctl(1112): Stale pid file
LR> removed.
LR> after that I did a
LR> # service mailman start
LR> and everything was Ok.
LR> This could be a serious issue in case of unattended machines,
LR> is there a solution for this error?
Sounds like you don't have things set up to restart on reboot
properly. Did you follow the installation directions to chkconfig
--add the mailman script to the proper run levels?