[Mailman-Developers] Re: Cute TMDA use
J C Lawrence
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 21:02:47 -0700
On Fri, 26 Jul 2002 20:55:31 -0700
J C Lawrence <J> wrote:
> Idle thought:
While I don't have time to do this right now, is there any interest here
in making a developing and testing list configuration under TMDA which
re-writes all poster addresses to dated addresses at the list server,
and then forwards mail to those addresses back to the original address?
There are messy bits in the details of getting that to work, but it
could be interesting, not only for harvesting control but for lists
where poster anonymity AND the ability to privately email posters are
both desired.
J C Lawrence
---------(*) Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
claw@kanga.nu He lived as a devil, eh?
http://www.kanga.nu/~claw/ Evil is a name of a foeman, as I live.